
Minutes of a Meeting of Rainford Parish Council held on 24.06.2024

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on July 30, 2024

2. Minutes June 24.06.2024


Minutes of a meeting of


held on Monday 24 June 2024 commencing at 7pm in the Council Chamber

Present:        Councillors:  Bardsley, Bimpson, Bowden, Denton, Dodson (Chairwoman),
Holden (arrived 7.11pm), Lee, Stockton-Pugh, Reynolds (arrived 7.10pm), Whalley
In attendance:  Sally Powell (Clerk)
      Nicola Robinson
       Stephen Webster
Absent:          Councillor Turner


1.                   Apologies for Absence:

Councillor Long (Away), Councillor Roberts (Family)

Councillors Holden & Reynolds apologised for being late.


  1. Formal announcements from the Chairwoman:

Councillor Dodson informed the meeting that she had attended Walking Day, which had again been very successful.  Councillor Bardsley stated that it was a disappointing turn out by members of the Council.

The Chairwoman declared her intention to take Item 5 on the agenda next.


  1. To hear and respond to any questions/deputations by members of the public:

                The Chairwoman welcomed Stephen Webster to the meeting.

Mr Webster addressed members regarding P/2022/0461/FUL:

The erection of 307 dwellings with associated access, public open space, sustainable urban drainage systems and other infrastructure.

Land Opposite 55 To 85 Rookery Lane Rainford St Helens

Miller Homes

Preparations for the beginning of the construction of this estate are being made and this is currently the issue of greatest concern to Rainford residents.  The granting of planning permission for the site contained 32 conditions and S106 requirements.  Miller Homes are now seeking to have some of those conditions discharged, so that building can commence.  It is imperative that the conditions are upheld and whilst it is the responsibility of St Helens Council to ensure that this happens, there is a duty to liaise with the local community.

Several residents have contacted the designated Planning Officer regarding a number of the requests to discharge conditions, but have not been responded to.  As the Parish Council is a statutory consultee, Mr Webster requested that a small group of Councillors and residents is convened for the purpose of monitoring and reviewing the discharge requests.  As necessary, the Parish Council will challenge the discharge requests with the Planning Officer to ensure that Miller Homes fulfil its obligations and that explanations of how compliance is being achieved are forthcoming.

There was a discussion and Mr Webster gave further information and answered Councillors questions.  This issue is time sensitive and urgent as there is a limited time to respond.  So far, applications have been made by Miller Homes to discharge 9 of the conditions.

The Clerk was asked to establish if the Parish Council should be notified of the applications to discharge conditions.

Action: The Clerk

RESOLVED:           Councillor Reynolds proposed that a small group of Councillors is formed to work with 3 three residents to monitor and review the applications from Miller Homes to discharge conditions to P/2022/0461/FUL: The erection of 307 dwellings with associated access, public open space, sustainable urban drainage systems and other infrastructure.

Land Opposite 55 To 85 Rookery Lane Rainford St Helens.  The group is to have delegated authority from Rainford Parish Council to respond to the said discharge applications.

This was seconded by Councillor Lee and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk

The Chairwoman thanked Mr Webster for all the work he has done on this issue and assured him that the group would be in place shortly and would have a first meeting within the next week.

                   The Clerk informed the meeting that a planning application for advertising boards, flag poles, fascia signs etc had been forwarded from the Planning department this afternoon, but the hardware had already been erected.  The Clerk had asked the Planning officer if it was a retrospective application.


  1. Co-option of Councillor for Randle Ward:

Nicola Robinson addressed members giving a brief résumé about herself and why she wished to become a member of the Parish Council representing Randle Ward.

RESOLVED:          Councillor Lee proposed Nicola Robinson be co-opted as a member of Rainford Parish Council representing Randle Ward.  This was seconded by Councillor Reynolds and carried unanimously.

               Councillor Robinson took her place in the Council Chamber.

Action: The Clerk


4.                   Declaration of Acceptance of Office, of Interest, and Updating of the Register:

Councillor Robinson made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and signed the register.


6.            To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Rainford Parish Council meeting held on Monday 27 May 2024:

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27 May 2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Dodson, seconded by Councillor Stockton-Pugh and carried unanimously by all those who were at the meeting.


7.           Financial Matters:

Receipts and Payments for May 2024

Receipts £ 16,951.58

Payments £ 21,199.08

£6,000 was transferred from the Business Savings Account to the Current Account to make payments.

Bank balances @ 31.05.2024:

Current Account: £2,163.40

Business Account: £65,932.04

QR Codes

The Clerk informed the meeting that currently, QR codes can be created free of charge but there is no access to analytics.  This means it is not possible to see how many people used the code. This would be possible with a subscription costing approximately £8 per month, (paid annually), with 2 QR codes permitted per month; an annual total of £96 for a total of 24 QR codes.

There was a short discussion.

RESOLVED:          Councillor Denton proposed that Rainford Parish Council to purchase a subscription allowing the creation and analysis of QR codes.  This was seconded by Councillor Whalley and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk

             Annual accounts:

                Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 & Annual Accounting Statement 2023/24

The Clerk informed members that she was unable to present the accounts for approval as the Internal Auditor had not yet signed them off.  The year end accounts had been very difficult to produce, but if they are not submitted by 01 July 2024, the Parish Council would have failed to fulfil its obligations.  An extension had been requested from the External Auditors.

There was a short discussion and suggestions for assistance were offered.  It was agreed that the Clerk having to take 6 months sick leave during the year was extenuating circumstances.  If possible, the accounts will be completed this week and an extraordinary meeting will take place on 27.06.2024 to consider them.

Action: The Clerk


             Walking Day
             Income:                Bar Takings                                                         £3704
             Expenditure:      Bar Wages                                                           (£ 297)
                                              Bar Expenses (plastic cups)                          (£    56)
                                              Bar Stock                                                             (£1852)
                                              Entertainment                                                  (£  360)
             Overall Profit      £1139

8.               Clerk’s Report:
The following report was circulated with the agenda.  Additions are in italics.
  1. An email from Paula Blellock had been received regarding another EPC survey. The Energy surveyor has been in touch to arrange to re-do the survey.  The additional loft insulation has now been fitted. Further information regarding the installation of an air-conditioning unit for heating and cooling the Main Hall is awaited.  A video of the hall has been submitted.
  2. Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
  • The PCC of All Saints Church have refused the request to site a Blood Box on the Parish Hall wall.
  1. The year-end accounts have been completed and the Internal Auditor will be attending on 19.06.2024. is on-going.
  2. Following the FPA committee meeting, St Helens Council have been contacted regarding the lowering

of the transitional relief and the lack of communication regarding the increase, particularly before

the precept was set.

  1. A Penalty Notice has been received from the Pensions Regulator. This has been passed on to payroll at

St Helens Council and a reply is awaited. The Pensions Regulator has also been contacted.  A reply has

been received from the Pension Regulator and further information from payroll has been requested.  Payroll have stated that they are now in negotiations with the Pensions Regulator, so no further contact or requests for payment are expected.

  • The PCSO for Rainford, Donna Mooney, will be attending a Parish Council meeting in

the near future.  She is getting to know the area and has visited the schools and other organisations.

She has also spent time telling people that they can’t park on double yellow lines.

  • The Village Hall Events Manager passed her Personal Licence course.
  1. The electricity meter needs to be upgraded. A large hole was dug at the side of the building

blocking the disabled access.  The work was completed on 11.05.2024.  The smart meter will be installed on 11.07.2024.

 xvi.       The planning appeal submission for 169 Ormskirk Road was lodged on the Planning Inspectorate portal.

xvii.      Merseyside police have requested a new lease.  This was considered at the FPA meeting on 12.06.2024 and the wording was accepted.

xviii.      Netwise will be migrating the Council email to Flexmail on 19.06.2024, which will give more data.

xix.      A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing.

Other quotes are being sought.

  1. Members for the vacancies in Junction & Randle Ward can now be co-opted.

  xxi.      Replies to the invitations to the Chairwoman’s evening are being received on a daily basis.

xxii.      The organisers of Walking Day requested a donation of £250; the same as was contributed last year.  This was agreed at the FPA committee meeting on 12.06.2024.  The organisers of Walking Day said that only the Parish Council and one other organisation had agreed to this request.

xxiii.      The Co-op Community Funda and Whitemoss grants are open for applications.  Consideration will be given to the criteria, and applications submitted as appropriate.

xxiv.      A ‘Thank You’ letter was sent to Mr Frodsham for his help with the memorial stone.

xxv.       The copy has been submitted for the next Local Life magazine.

xxvi.      The images for the Reception Room have been submitted.

xxvii.     A resident has visited the office several times regarding flooding in his garden since the construction of a dwelling nearby.  Various agencies have been contacted to try and resolve the issue.

xxviii.   Walking Day was a great success.  The Village Hall was very busy and the live music was well received.  One resident took the time to email, to say how great the afternoon had been.  See Agenda Item 7 for financial details.

xxix.      The Parish Council has been signed up to the social prescribing network in St Helens.

xxx.       3 new classes will shortly be starting in the hall.

xxxi.      A letter was sent to The Golden Lion asking them to contact the Parish Council regarding the marquee that has been erected at the rear of the pub.  No response has been received to date.

xxxii.     The Clerk requested that the software used in the Clerk’s office be upgraded to Microsoft 365 at a cost of £200 pa.

RESOLVED:          Councillor Holden proposed that Microsoft 365 is purchased for the Parish Council computers.  This was seconded by Councillor Bimpson and carried unanimously

Action: The Clerk
xxxiii.      The second part of the precept was received on 13.06.2024: £40,225.18
5.                  Committee & Working Party Reports:
  • Borough Council:

No report from the Borough Councillors had been received.

  • Community Liaison Committee:

Councillor Denton gave the following report:

  • RCF: Businesses are so far not engaging re the Christmas Fayre
  • The Event Manager is arranging Christmas Community Cinema events
  • Beer Festival:
  • A comparison for the last 5 years of the Beer Festival will be considered at the next meeting.
  • The date for next year’s event is 27.02.25 – 01.03.2025
  • There will be a spirit bar rather than a Gin bar and distilleries will be asked to donate a bottle. Councillor Holden is also looking into sponsorship
  • Advertising: Banners, school newsletters: Councillor Whalley will follow this up as SLO
  • Another Where’s Whalley
  • Package for new residents. It is aimed to get this produces by September, to give to parents/carers of first-time school attenders.  Estate agents will also be asked to give them out.
  • Memorial: The stonemason has agreed the stone being donated is suitable and the planning application is progressing. Insurance has been arranged.  The logistics of moving the stone into place are still being worked out.
  • Knifesavers: The dentist in Thickwood Moss Road has agreed to have the box on his building.
  • Community Hub: There were around 18 people at the last meeting where there was music and dancing. The Event Manager is looking into the possibility of hosting an Afternoon Disco at the Village Hall.  This could possibly be a regular event as these are very popular at other venues.
  • Solar system on the Linear Park: Councillor Whalley will be contacting the High School about this. The Clerk was asked to check the planning regulations.
  • Ideas for advertising/marketing events:
  • Joint leaflet with another organisation
  • Leaflets in prescription bags
  • A full-page advert in Local Life with all forthcoming events on


RESOLVED:          Councillor Denton proposed that Councillor Robinson is co-opted as a member of the Community Liaison Committee.  This was seconded by Councillor Reynolds and carried unanimously.

Action: Councillor Robinson/The Clerk


RESOLVED:          Councillor Whalley proposed that Councillor Bowden is co-opted as a member of the Community Liaison Committee.  This was seconded by Councillor Dodson and carried unanimously

Action: Councillor Bowden/The Clerk

  • Finance, Planning & Administration Committee:

As Councillor Long was unable to attend the meeting, Councillor Bardsley gave the following report:

  • An objection had been submitted to P/2024/0191/FUL

Proposed engineering works to facilitate reduction in volume of existing fishing lake/reservoir to below 10,000m3 and the construction of equipment store/wardens office

Rainford Reservoir, Higher Lane, Rainford

  • A supporting document A supporting document was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for the following application appeal:

Notification of appeal under section 78  P/2023/0714/FUL           APP/H4315/W24/3340233    Change of use of café (Class E) to takeaway (Sui Generis), installation of external extraction unit and external alterations to shopfront (part retrospective)

169 Ormskirk Road, Rainford

  • Applications for grants for the Village Hall will be made, where possible
  • The School Crossing Patrol on Cross Pit Lane:

St Helens Council have conducted an assessment that concluded that the school meet the necessary criteria for a patrol to a maximum or 5 hours per week.  Currently the patrol is for 7.5 hours. Therefore, the shortfall will need to be paid by either the school or the Parish Council. The cost of the additional 2.5 hours would be £2,499.51 per annum.  There was a lengthy discussion.  It was agreed that before a decision could be made, the school should be contacted to gained its views.

Action: The Clerk

  • The process for hiring and using the kitchen needs to be addressed as several items have recently gone missing and the kitchen has not been left clean and tidy. The Event Manager has drawn up a hiring agreement and it was agreed that this should be implemented.  There was a discussion regarding the taking of a deposit and it was agreed that credit/debit card details would be taken and the card charged, if necessary, following the event.  A trial £0.01 transaction would be completed before the event.  The kitchen must be checked before and after a function, with a checklist.  To action this, an inventory of all the equipment left out in the kitchen will be made.  The Food Hygiene documents must also be completed.  For regular kitchen users, additional cleaning costs will be added to the next invoice, if necessary.  Additionally, it should be made clear to all hall users that the fridge freezer belongs to the Village Hall, and permission should be sought to use it.  Furthermore, the Health & Safety committee should check the kitchen and the documentation each time it meets.  A letter should be sent to all regular kitchen users informing them of the new terms and conditions.

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager

RESOLVED:       Councillor Bardsley proposed that Councillor Lee is co-opted as a member of the Finance, Planning & Administration committee.  This was seconded by Councillor Stockton-Pugh and carried unanimously.

Action: Councillor Lee/The Clerk

  • Health & Safety Committee:

Councillor Bimpson informed the meeting that the last meeting was not quorate

  • VIP Working Party: Councillor Stockton-Pugh

                Councillor Stockton-Pugh stated that most of the discussion had been covered under the CLC report, but VIP had also discussed getting the Business Hub going again.

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager

  1. 50 years Celebration Evening 28.09.2024:

There was a discussion and the following points were raised:

  • Councillors Bimpson, Bowden, Stockton-Pugh and Whalley committed to attending
  • It would cost £1500 if the entertainment booked was cancelled
  • It was agreed at CLC that the ticket price would be no more than £35
  • The Event Manager has had some ideas
  • It needs to be a good event, even if this means only breaking even
  • The food has not yet been decided on
  • The wrong date was set before and the suggested menu was for a celebration dinner. With better planning and marketing, more tickets could be sold.  Money will be made on the bar and people will be encouraged to come to future events
  • Contracts from entertainers should be better scrutinised, particularly the clauses relating to cancellation
  • Residents don’t want to pay £50 for a ticket
  • The entertainers booked were on BGT and this should be used in advertising the event
  • Councillors should be tasked with selling a certain number of tickets
  • The entertainment should come after the meal and not during


RESOLVED:          Councillor Stockton-Pugh proposed that the Events Manager is tasked with organising the details of the 50 Years Celebration Evening.  This was seconded by Councillor Denton and carried unanimously.

Action: Events Manager

  1. Parish/Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Roberts:

As Councillor Roberts was not able to attend the meeting, Councillor Stockton-Pugh informed the meeting that he had attended an online course about creating Neighbourhood Plans, which was useful and informative.  To produce a Neighbourhood Plan would take a lot of person power, but it would be possible to achieve.  There has to be a referendum to see if residents want to adopt the plan, which must work within the Local Plan.  He will be meeting with Councillor Roberts to discuss and agree the next stage, as Councillor Stockton-Pugh thinks it should be pursued.

Action: Councillor Roberts/Councillor Stockton-Pugh

  1. Resident’s Issues: Cllr Bowden:

Councillor Bowden informed the meeting that residents were concerned about the derelict garages on Pilkington Street.  They are a site for anti-social behaviour and rats have been seen.  There was a short discussion and Councillor Reynolds stated that this had been looked into previously and that TORUS owned the land.  The Clerk was asked to investigate the current situation.

Action: The Clerk


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.55pm



Councillor Liz Dodson

Chairwoman, Rainford Parish Council 2024/25