You are summoned to attend a meeting of the
FINANCE, PLANNING & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE OF RAINFORD PARISH COUNCIL in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Wednesday 14 August 2024 at 6.30pm
The press & public are invited to attend
- Apologies for absence
- Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024
- Plans
P/2024/0357/FUL Erection of two detached dwellings with associated parking and amenity space (Resubmission of the previously approval 2no. semi-detached dwellings – P/2019/0686/FUL
Land East of 198 Ormskirk Road, Rainford
P/2024/0375/FUL Change of use from dwelling (C3) to children’s care home (C2) for up to 4no children
2 Berringtons Lane, Rainford
P/2024/0386/TPO Works to multiple trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order
7 Kenway, Rainford
The following plans have been granted:
P/2024/0265/HHFP Replacement of the existing garage flat roof to a pitched roof with a part conversion, demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension and a front porch
4 Norwood Grove, Rainford
The following appeal has been refused:
APP/H4315/W/24/3340233 Change of Use of café (Class E) to takeaway (Sui Generis)
169, Ormskirk Road, Rainford WA11 8HR
An objection to P/2024/0334/ADC and P/2024/0335/FUL 19 Lords Fold was submitted
- Miller Homes Development: Update
- Pilkington Street Garages: Update
- Bar Stocktake Results
- Clerk’s Report
- Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
- Merseyside police have requested a new lease. This was considered at the FPA meeting on 12.06.2024 and the wording was accepted. The document is still awaited.
- A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing.
Other quotes are being sought.
- There is still a vacancy for Junction Ward.
- One unpaid debt has been passed to a debt collection agency and are now due for Court Action proceedings. Other overdue payments have been chased and paid
- The office computers now have Microsoft 365. There have been some teething problems, but it is working well.
- The new lease agreement with Merseyside Police has not yet been received, but it is in the process.
- The exhibition of 50 years of the Parish Council will take place 13 – 15 September 2024 to coincide with Heritage weekend. Any memorabilia that can be used should be passed to the Clerk and the rota for staffing the chamber needs to be filled.
- Councillor Robinson and the Event Manager have submitted a National Lottery Funding application for works to make the Village Hall more accessible.
- A resident contacted the Parish Council asking who owned the car park at the front of the Golden Lion, following an incident there.
- There are on-going complaints about the number of vehicles and how they are parked on Leyland Road and Whalley Avenue. St Helens Council have been contacted about the possibility of a one-way system. The following reply was received. The POSO is still keen to pursue this as a solution to the parking problems on these roads:
One Way systems are only installed at locations whereby injury accidents are regularly occurring due to vehicle conflict. One way systems tend to lead to higher vehicles speeds due to drivers not having to give way to oncoming traffic. Within residential estates, one way system, can lead to injury accidents as vehicles travelling at faster speeds are more likely to injure or kill a pedestrian, in particular, a child running into the road. Although one way systems do benefit the free flow of traffic, preventing injury accidents is a higher priority, in particular, on residential estates.
Instances of abuse of one-way systems can also lead to possible conflict, with drivers visiting properties near to the end of the restriction cutting out of an access the wrong way, rather than driving around the one way system.
There are no plans to install a one way system within Leyland Road as there have been no injury accidents in the last 5 year reporting period. I will ask that the location be placed on the hot spot list for enforcement of the double yellow lines at the junction and any instances of dangerous double parking can be reported directly to Merseyside Police for enforcement action.
- Financial Matters
Income & Expenditure for July 2024:
Receipts £24196.40
Payments £ 39763.38
Bank balances @ 31.07.2024:
Current Account: £ 9988.89
Business Savings Account: £ 86380.98
£20,000 was transferred from the Saver account to the Current account to make payments for the payrolls for April (£8852.02) and May 2024 (£16107.04). The staff costs for May were higher because both the current and previous Event Managers were working.
The cost for the Chairwoman’s evening were also incurred this month.
5-year Income Comparison:
Event Profitability:
1.Event Tracker June.July 2024_
Sally Powell
Clerk & RFO to Rainford Parish Council