
Draft Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 23.09.2024

Uploaded on September 26, 2024


Minutes of a meeting of


held on Monday 23 September 2024 commencing at 7pm in the Council Chamber


Present:       Councillors: Bardsley, Dodson (Chairwoman), Long, Reynolds, Roberts, Robinson,   

  Stockton-Pugh, Whalley


In attendance:            Sally Powell (Clerk)

                                         Lisa Roxby (Event Manager)

                                         Helen Smith


Absent:         Councillor Turner

The Chairwoman welcomed Helen to the meeting.


1.                   Apologies for Absence:

Councillor Bimpson (Unwell), Councillor Bowden (Family), Councillor Denton (Away),

Councillor Lee (Family)


  1. Formal announcements from the Chairwoman:

The Chairwoman informed the meeting that it had been a quiet time, but she had delivered anniversary flowers to residents.


3.                   Declaration of Acceptance of Office, of Interest, and Updating of the Register:



  1. To hear and respond to any questions/deputations by members of the public:



5.                   To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Rainford Parish Council meeting held on Monday 22 July 2024:

The minutes of the meeting held on 22.07.2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Long, seconded by Councillor Bardsley and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk


6.                   Financial Matters:

Receipts and Payments for July & August 2024: See Appendix 1 for full details

                July:       Receipts £ 24,196.40

                                Payments £ 39,763.38

                Bank balances @ 31.07.2024:

                                Current Account: £ 9,988.89

                                Business Account: £ 86,380.98

               August:  Receipts £ 7,843.34

                                  Payments £ 26,727.73

                Bank balances @ 31.08.2024:

                                Current Account: £ 1,104.50

                                Business Account: £ 76,380.98

   There were no comments about the receipts or payments.

                At the FPA committee meeting held on 11.09.2024, it was suggested that a deposit is taken from hirers wishing to use the kitchen and equipment.  The Internal Auditor had been asked for comments.

There was a discussion.  Recently, a pan had gone missing and the kitchen had not been left clean.  The Clerk was asked to give details.  The Internal Auditor had been contacted and her opinion was that a deposit system would be difficult to implement with the current accounting software.  The hiring terms and conditions have been updated since the incident.  The kitchen is checked after each function, but it is not practical to do a full inventory of all the crockery and utensils in the kitchen.  Additionally, there have been recent breakages by a group using the kitchen, which were not reported to the office.  The Clerk was asked to write to the organisation concerned, reminding it of its responsibilities when using the kitchen.

Action: The Clerk

7.                   Clerk’s Report:

The following report was circulated with the agenda.  Additions are in italics.

  1. The 50 years Exhibition as part of Heritage weekend was a great success with 9 Rainford organisations having displays.
  2. A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing.

A further quote has not yet been received.  There was a discussion.  It has been difficult to get quotes.  It was agreed that this work needs to be done as soon as possible, along with the remedial work in Office 6.

Action: The Clerk

  • There are still 2 vacancies for Junction Ward.
  1. Overdue payments have been chased and paid.
  2. The new lease agreement with Merseyside Police has not yet been received, but it is in the process. At the FPA meeting on 11.09.2024 it was agreed that it was not acceptable for Merseyside Police to produce the lease, and the Parish Council pay for this service.
  3. Councillor Robinson and the Event Manager have submitted a National Lottery Funding application for works to make the Village Hall more accessible. No response has been received.
  • David Baines MP will be holding future surgeries at the Village Hall.
  • PKF Littlejohn have requested further information regarding staff costs for the external audit, which has been supplied.
  1. The Blood Box is now in situ at Rainford Sports. A publicity photo was taken today and the press release will be sent as soon as possible.

Action: Event Manager

  1. The bar staff have completed the clear out and decorating of the back bar. The glass washer and the ice machine have been moved out of the cellar.  Quotes are being gathered for the replacement of the flooring in the back bar, which is a health & safety hazard.  The replacement of the laminated area in front of the bar was completed in September 2023 by the company who had completed the work during the renovations.
  2. Social Media posts asking why the Parish Council had not been instrumental in having double yellow lines outside Black’s Garage have been seen. A reply was sent stating the request would be discussed at this meeting.  There was a short discussion.  Poorly parked vehicles cause a hazard.  It was noted that a planning application had been submitted to change the garage to a flooring showroom, which will hopefully alleviate the problem.

Action: The Clerk

  • The Clerk explained the difficulties being experienced with the current broadband package. An additional £2.95 per month would provide a better signal throughout the building, as it is the volume of the building that is causing the problems.  The system would give priority to the office and the card machines/bar area.


RESOLVED:          Councillor Long proposed that the broadband package is upgraded at an additional cost of £2.95 per month.  This was seconded by Councillor Whalley and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk



  • There was a short discussion regarding the CLC, FPA and VIP meetings that are due to take place on the week commencing 7 October 2024, as the Clerk will be on sick leave and the Event Manager on annual leave. It was agreed that the meetings should take place the week commencing 14 October 2024.

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager

  • The quote for an air conditioning unit in the Main Hall has been received at £6,056.57 There was a short discussion. It was agreed that this was an item worth considering, but that funds are not available at present and it should be revisited later in the financial year, or included in the budget for 2025/26.  The Clerk was asked to investigate grant funding and running costs for the unit.  Councillor Reynolds suggested that a PWLB loan might be a possibility.

Action: The Clerk

  1. There was a discussion about the event planned for 28.09.2024. Tickets sales have been disappointing.  Cancelling the event would incur the cost of the entertainment, but this might be better than an event with a lack of atmosphere, which may prevent people booking tickets for other events.  The Event Manager has canvassed other venues and they are also struggling to sell tickets for events.

RESOLVED:          Councillor Long proposed that the 50 years Celebration Event planned for 28.09.2024 is cancelled, understanding that this would incur costs.  This was seconded by Councillor Reynolds and carried by a majority with one abstention.

Action: Event Manager

  • Officers from St Helens Council had been contacted as not all the garages on Pilkington Street had notices on them. A full survey using a specialist asbestos contractor has been commissioned to do a full survey of all the garages for the potential risk to human health only.  This should be completed in approximately 2 weeks and then individual decisions will be taken for each garage unit for the appropriate course of action.
  • The Blood Box is now in situ and publicity photos have been taken. A press release will be sent to the St Helens Star.

Bleeding control training will take place at the Village Hall free of charge on 17.10.2024 from 7pm – 8.30pm.  There are 20 places.  Councillor Whalley will be attending.  Any other Councillors who wish to attend should let the Clerk know as soon as possible.

Action: All Members

  • The Fridge for back bar has been purchased and is now in place.
  • Residents had contacted the Parish Council regarding road racing on the bypass on 21.09.2024. Several of them had contacted the police, but there had not been any attendance, despite one resident having been told that a unit had been “dispatched 7 minutes ago”.  This is the second time this has occurred in recent months and it is clearly an organised event as there were spectators.  One resident was particularly concerned about the risks of an accident and the fact that they were on call and would need to use the A580 if called into work.  Councillor Denton had provided a screen shot from a Facebook page.  The Clerk was sked to write to Sargeant Wynn at Merseyside Police for a response.

Action: The Clerk

  1. A resident contacted the office as their recycling has not been collected for 2 weeks due to the roadworks caused by the Miller Homes development. It has been logged as ‘No Access’ by St Helens Council, but the roadworks will be there for some time, so alternative arrangements need to be put in place.  There was a short discussion.  As St Helens Council have a statutory obligation to collect domestic waste, a solution to this issue needs to be found by Miller Homes and St Helens Council.  The Clerk was asked to contact both parties for a resolution.

Action: The Clerk

8.                  Committee & Working Party Reports:

  • Borough Council:

Councillors Case & Mussell had sent a quarterly report, which the Clerk read out:

  1. Millar Homes Development.  Linda and John met with senior staff from Miller Homes on site.  They planning to make a soft start w/c 9 September.   Initially will use the access point on Rookery Lane, but for the future, the main site entrance will be on Higher Lane, after the removal and storage of the 2 large stone pillars.

The plan is for all site traffic to come up Mill Lane and enter from Higher Lane, to keep to a minimum disruption in the village.  The first job is to put in the drains.

There will be some Section 106 money for improvements to the Linear Path, but this amount is not yet specified, and it will be phased. The St Helens Council Department to handle this has not yet been decided. The council will coordinate this with the Borough Councillors.

If the PC has ideas on how to spend the money, please let Linda and John know but to emphasise, we don’t know many details at this stage.

Similarly, the money for the Health Centre and the bus service will be given to the organisation who will decide how it is spent with our input.


  1. Ward Members Grant Scheme. CIF has been abolished and this has replaced it.   CIF was £8,000 pa and the new scheme is £4,000 pa. The money is allocated to Community Wellbeing projects and decided on by the Borough Councillors.  We have already received several bids.


  1. Re-surfacing of the bottom end of Ormskirk Road.   After a lot of pushing, we have been told that the bottom end will be resurfaced before the end of the year.  Currently the council has tenders out for the work.


  1. Women in Sport. Linda has championed this and has been successful in getting plaques around the Borough recognising the impact women have had on sport in St Helens.  Linda attended the unveiling of the first plaque at Queen Park Leisure Centre to celebrate St Helens Ladies FC who play on the ground until Ladies Football was banned.  The Grandson of Lizzie Ashcroft from Parr attended and showed much of her memorabilia.


  1. Library update. It is still our aim to open a community hub and Library. However the wheels at the council turn very slowly and we are still awaiting news. The council will decide what to do with the building. We can’t make any progress until we know if we can have the building. Linda and John are to meet with The Chief Executive of the Council to push for progress.


  1. Preston Bus Service 312.   You will have noticed the blue bus passing through and around the Rainford area.  We managed to persuade Merseytravel to create this new service. It links Rainford with Lathom, Parbold, Skelmersdale, Burscough and Ormskirk. It is an hourly service Monday to Friday.


  1. Crank Road. There are some really bad potholes on this road.  Mostly at the sides of the road , and they present a danger to cyclists in particular. It has been reported in to the council and will be inspected this month.


  1. Withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Allowance. We have been lobbied by many residents who are worried and annoyed over its withdrawal. Particularly the elderly Rainford residents who often don’t have internet access.


  1. Date of next Quarterly Report:  December.

Cllr L Mussell

Cllr J Case

  • There was a discussion regarding potholes, particularly the one in the centre of the village. The Clerk’s office had sent a photo to St Helens Council this afternoon and it will be assessed urgently.  This will be closely monitored.

Action: The Clerk

  • Councillor Robinson had contacted 2 organisations who may be able to attend Luncheon Club to advise about the availability of pension credit and other benefits. It was felt that any residents struggling to manage should be encouraged to get in touch so they can be signposted to the appropriate agency.

Action: All Members

  • Councillor Reynolds asked for the Red Rose Way initiative to be submitted as an extension and improvement of the Linear Way.

Action: The Clerk

  • Community Liaison Committee:

Councillor Whalley had not been able to attend the meeting, but went through the draft minutes from the meeting held on 02.09 2024:  See Appendix 2 for full details

  • Stalls for the Christmas Fayre are almost at capacity
  • Arrangements for the industrial memorial and stone are continuing slowly. Planning permission has not yet been granted.
  • The Knifesavers initiative has been completed
  • Everyone was encouraged to sell tickets for the Christmas Parties on 20 & 21 December
  • A barrel has been sold for the Beer Festival
  • The Book Cycle scheme had been refereed to the Borough Councillors
  • More Volunteers are needed for the Luncheon Club. One has been recruited.
  • Y6 students from the local primary schools will be visiting the Council Chamber before January 2025.
  • The issue of the unusable basketball hoop in the park on Ormskirk Road has been referred again to the Borough Councillors.
  • The School Liaison Councillor had visited schools and was awaiting a response from one. Some will be involved with the Christmas Fayre with games and/or choirs.  Some will advertise Parish Council events in their newsletter.  Another has a link with Saints Rugby Club and will ask if someone is available to open the Christmas Fayre.  Students from the High School will have a stall to raise funds for their trip to Ghana next year.  Schools were asking for assistance at school collection time.  The PCSO had gone round previously, as had Councillors to ask those waiting in their cars to switch off the engines.  It was agreed to arrange to do this again.

Action: The Clerk

  • Finance, Planning & Administration Committee:

Councillor Long went through the draft minutes of the FPA meeting held on 14.08.2024: See Appendix 3 for full details

  • Finances are reasonable at the moment.
  • There are a lot of problems with decorating required at the Village Hall. Decisions need to be made about whether funds should be spent to get the hall into the best decorative state possible.  It was agreed that a post should be put on social media to try and find potential decorators.  Councillor Roberts suggested that a grant application to Miller Homes is submitted.  Councillor Robinson informed the meeting that a decision on Lottery grant should be received within the next 4 weeks.  If was agreed that decisions would be made at the next meeting.  Councillor Bardsley requested that an additional handrail on the main staircase on the wall is installed as part of the redecoration.  This was agreed.

Action: The Clerk

  • Health & Safety Committee:

There was no report as Councillor Bimpson was unable to attend the meeting.

  • VIP Working Party:

As Councillor Stockton-Pugh had been unable to attend the meeting, the Event Manager informed the meeting that most of the discussion was centred around the Christmas Fayre.  There is still interest in stalls.  The Exhibition was also discussed.

The next meeting will take place on 16.10.2024


  1. Citizen Recognition Award:

Councillor Stockton-Pugh asked for this item to be deferred to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk





  1. Blood Box for the North End Club:

As Councillor Bowden was unable to attend the meeting, this item was deferred to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk


  1. Parish/Neighbourhood Plan:

Councillor Roberts gave the following report:

  • The issue with the playground on Ormskirk Road is not just with the basketball hoop and other improvements need to be made. Councillor Mussell has been requested to provide information.  St Helens Council have said that the vegetation will be cut back, but no time frame has been given for this.
  • The survey responses are being collated. Councillor Roberts gave some examples of things residents would like to see in the Village.  It would be useful to have an engagement workshop to get further details and have more in-depth discussions.  She also went through the stages of creating the plan.
  • The next stage would be to start drafting the Neighbourhood plan. Councillor Roberts asked for a copy of St Helens Plan.

Action: The Clerk

The Clerk informed the meeting that she had received an email from a Parish Councillor from Windle asking about the survey that had been conducted.  There was a short discussion and it was agreed that would be a good idea for any Parish Councils producing a Neighbourhood Plan to join forces and share resources.  It was agreed that a meeting would be arranged for any interested parties.

Action: The Clerk

Councillor Roberts asked for further information regarding the grants for Neighbourhood plans.

Action: The Clerk


  1. Annual Exhibition:

                The 50 year and Heritage weekend exhibition was very well received and attended.  The café and raffle made £330.  Several visitors asked if the exhibition could be an annual event.  This could be tied in with National Heritage weekend, which is usually the second weekend in September, or at some other time of the year.  There was a discussion.


RESOLVED:          Councillor Stockton-Pugh proposed that an Exhibition is staged in the Village Hall in conjunction with National Heritage Week 2025. This was seconded by Councillor Roberts and carried unanimously.


It was agreed that organisations should be contacted in the near future about the event.

The Event Manager gave some suggestions for additional attractions for the event.

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager




There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.40pm








Councillor Liz Dodson

Chairwoman, Rainford Parish Council 2024/25




APPENDIX 1: Receipts & Payments for July & August 2024






APPENDIX 2: Minutes of the Community Liaison Committee meeting on 02.09.2024




APPENDIX 3: Minutes of the Finance, Planning & Administration Committee meeting held on 11.09.2024