
Draft Minutes of a Meeting of Rainford Parish Council held on 22.07.2024

Full CouncilMinutes Uploaded on July 31, 2024


Minutes of a meeting of


held on Monday 22 July 2024 commencing at 7pm in the Council Chamber

Present:               Councillors: Bardsley, Bowden, Dodson (Chairwoman), Long, Roberts, Robinson, 

                                                    Stockton-Pugh, Turner, Whalley

Absent:                Councillor Holden

In attendance:  18 residents from Lords Fold

                                Janette & John Cockayne

                                 Alison Speakman

                              Sally Powell (Clerk)

                                 Lisa Roxby (Event Manager)


1.                   Apologies for Absence:

Councillors: Bimpson (Unwell), Denton (Away), Lee (Away), Reynolds (Family)

  1. Formal announcements from the Chairwoman:
Councillor Dodson informed the meeting that she had thoroughly enjoyed her Chairwoman’s evening and thanked all those who had attended.

Since the last meeting, the Chairwoman has twice delivered Anniversary flowers to residents and opened Crank Gala.

3.                   Declaration of Acceptance of Office, of Interest, and Updating of the Register:


  1. To hear and respond to any questions/deputations by members of the public:
Janette & John Cockayne: Solar Energy at Bridge Farm

Mr & Mrs Cockayne asked the Parish Council for its support.  They will shortly be submitting a planning application to install 160 solar panels at Bridge Farm.  The panels would occupy an area 30m x 30m and would supply approximately one third of the business’ electricity.  This would be a first step towards net zero.  The land is technically within the green belt, but it is within the curtilage of existing buildings, behind the shower block for the campsite. 

The Chairwoman assured Mr & Mrs Cockayne that due thought would be given to their proposal by the Parish Council.

Mr & Mrs Cockayne left the meeting.

Residents from Lords Fold regarding planning applications P/2024/0034/FUL & P/2024/0035/ADC

                Application Number: P/2024/0334/FUL

                Proposal:              Retrospective application for the installation of 97no self-storage units with associated landscaping, parking and signage.

                For:                        Full Planning Application

                Location: 19 Lords Fold, Rainford St Helens

                Application Number: P/2024/0335/ADC

                Proposal:             Consent to display 9no signs mounted along front of site, 1no floor mounted sign, 1no information board 2no flag poles signs.

                For:                        Advertisement Consent Application Location: 19 Lords Fold, Rainford St Helens


A spokesperson for the residents addressed the Parish Council asking for its support in objecting to the above planning applications.  Residents’ concerns include:
  • The self-storage units face the houses in Lords Fold
  • On site parking as there are only 2 spaces
  • The colour of the containers: Cobalt Blue
  • The height of the signage and flagpoles
  • The floodlighting of the site
  • The company has already started trading without planning permission
  • Double storey containers: how will the stacked ones be accessed
  • Security
  • No timings for trading hours in the application
  • County Lines/Drug activity (The Chairwoman informed the residents that Rainford is not currently known for County lines activity)
  • The Containers being used as work units
  • Increased traffic around young children
  • Difficult access as the road is not wide, with limited street lighting, no road signage and no road markings
  • Inadequate noise assessment as this was carried out when there were 15 containers on site, not the proposed 97
  • Safety: there are low fences
The Chairwoman thanked the residents for raising their concerns with the Parish Council and assured them that members would discuss the concerns raised.  Residents were asked to contact the Police regarding any suspicious activity.

The residents left the meeting

Alison Speakman re planning permission appeal and the alleyway

Alison requested support from the Parish Council for an appeal against the refusal of a planning application to build a side and rear extension: P/2024/0217/HHFP.

The decision notice stated that the proposed works would have a detrimental impact upon the residential amenity for the occupiers of dwellings in Pilkington Street, reducing the openness of the corner junction and would not respect the character of the original dwelling.  However, Ms Speakman considered that there were other similar proposals which had been granted for nearby properties.  Additionally, none of the neighbouring properties were opposed to the proposals.

Ms Speakman also addressed the Parish Council regarding the alleyway which runs from Whalley Avenue to the entrance to the Linear Way on Cross Pit Lane.  There is a great deal of activity in the alleyway at night; would it be a possibility to have the alleyway gated and closed off at night?  The light is broken as well.

Drug related activity has been seen at night and during the daytime and it is known as a getaway path for shoplifters from the Co-op.  Poor and illegal parking on the street is also a problem.

The Chairwoman assured her that members would give due thought to her requests and asked her to contact the Police on each occasion that she suspected suspicious activity was taking place in the alleyway.  Additionally, the CPSO for Rainford regularly patrols the area to stop cars parking illegally.

Ms Speakman left the meeting.

5.   To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Rainford Parish Council meeting held on Monday 24 June 2024 and the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday 10.07.2024:

The minutes of the full Council meeting held on 24.06.2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Bardsley, seconded by Councillor Whalley and carried unanimously.

The minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 10.07.2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Whalley, seconded by Councillor Stockton-Pugh and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk


6.   Financial Matters:

Receipts and Payments for June 2024

                Receipts £ 12,881.73

                Payments £ 9,489.26

                Payments do not include staff costs as the documentation from St Helens Council did not arrive before the end of the month.

                Bank balances @ 30.06.2024:    

                                Current Account: £5,555.87

                                Business Account: £106,380.98

Full details of the receipts and payments can be found in the minutes of the FPA committee meeting held on 10.07.2024.

The accounts for 2023/24 were signed of at the Extraordinary Meeting on 10.07.2024 and have been submitted to the external auditor.  Full details were circulated to Councillors in the Accounting Statement and can also be found in Appendix 1.

At the request of the Events Manager, members discussed changing the way that bookings are taken for the Main Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings.

RESOLVED:          Councillor Long proposed that the Main Hall is not made available for class bookings until 6 weeks before the date, to allow more weekends to be available for parties and larger events.  This was seconded by Councillor Bardsley and carried unanimously.

Action: The Event Manager

                Councillor Stockton-Pugh suggested that in future, decisions such as this are delegated to the

Event Manager.

7.                  Clerk’s Report:

The following report was circulated as part of the agenda.  Additions are in italics.
  1. An email from Paula Blellock had been received regarding another EPC survey.  The Energy surveyor has been in touch to arrange to re-do the survey.  The additional loft insulation has now been fitted. Further information regarding the installation of an air-conditioning unit for heating and cooling the Main Hall is awaited.  A video of the hall has been submitted.
  2. Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
  • Following the FPA committee meeting, St Helens Council have been contacted regarding the lowering of the transitional relief and the lack of communication regarding the increase, particularly before the precept was set.
  1. The PCSO for Rainford, Donna Mooney, will be attending a Parish Council meeting in

the near future.  In the meantime, she has provided the Crime statistics for Rainford in June 2024:

  1. The electricity smart meter was installed on 11.07.2024.
  2. Merseyside police have requested a new lease.  This was considered at the FPA meeting on 12.06.2024 and the wording was accepted.  The document is still awaited.
  • The migration to Flexmail is complete.  Any Councillors still having difficulties with their Councillor email should contact the Clerk as soon as possible.
  • A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing.

Other quotes are being sought.

  1. There is still a vacancy for Junction Ward.
  2. The Co-op Community Fund and Whitemoss grants are open for applications. Consideration will be given to the criteria, and applications submitted as appropriate.
  3. One unpaid debt has been passed to a debt collection agency and are now due for Court Action proceedings.
  • 15 tables were lent out for the Crank gala. They have been returned.
  • The office computers now have Microsoft 365. There have been some teething problems, but it is working well.
  • The new lease agreement with Merseyside Police has not yet been received, but it is in the process.
  1. A complaint had been received regarding the giving out of goldfish as prizes at the fair on Walking Day. This was passed to the organisers, but no reply was received, even though a further complaint was made by the same resident.  An email has now been received from the Environmental Health Department, following a complaint.
  • A new class started in the Reception Room on 17.07.2024.
  • A letter has been received from a resident regarding the Book Cycle scheme, with the suggestion that one is set up in Rainford.

Action: The Clerk

  • A resident contacted the Parish Council regarding the garages on Pilkington Street being both unsightly, possibly dangerous, and being used for illicit activities. The CPSO is also involved in trying to establish ownership of the land and garages. The Clerk had contacted St Helens Council for further information. There was a short discussion, and concerns were raised about the safety of the buildings as they are known to contain asbestos.

Action: The Clerk

  • The decision is pending for the Discharge of Condition 3 (re-building of boundary for vehicular access) at the Miller Homes site.
  1. A resident contacted the Parish Council regarding parking on Leyland Road, and how difficult it can be to access drives and drive down the road as cars and vans are parked on double yellow lines. There was a short discussion and the Clerk was asked to refer this to the PCSO.

Action: The Clerk

  • A resident contacted the Parish Council regarding a Peacock that has taken up temporary residence in the village. He will ensure that it is moved to a safe place.
  • The Clerk reminded members that there will be an exhibition of 50 years of the Parish Council 13 – 15 September 2024 to coincide with Heritage weekend. Any memorabilia that can be used should be passed to the Clerk.

Action: All Members/The Clerk


8.                  Committee & Working Party Reports:

  • Borough Council: Councillors Case & Mussell

No report.


  • Community Liaison Committee:

Councillor Whalley informed the meeting of the following:

  • As Schools Liaison Councillor she has set up meetings with all the Rainford schools for next term.
  • Plans for next year’s beer festival are on-going. Councillor Holden my have a sponsor for the Gin (or similar) table.  Larger companies will be targeted for sponsorship, as well as local businesses for the barrels.  The Sunday will be a family day and efforts will be made to get better attendance.


  • Rainford Youth Council had a very good meeting and the input from members was excellent. The minutes of the meeting have been circulated to all members of the Parish Council.  Most of the Youth Council will remain as members next year.  Y5 pupils will be recruited from the primary schools in the next academic year, so they can be on the RYC for 2 years before going to the High School.  Current members from the High school will stay on until after Christmas.
  • The cost of the Knifebox is now £582 + fitting and will contain 4 lots of equipment. This is more than the Council agreed to spend.  Councillor Bowden will make arrangements for the fitting.


RESOLVED:            Councillor Turner proposed that £582 plus the cost of fitting is spent on a Knifebox.  This was seconded by Councillor Whalley and carried unanimously.


There was a discussion regarding the location of the Knifebox.  All Saints Parish Church had declined to have it placed on the Church Hall, but the Dentist on Thickwood Moss Lane had agreed to have it there.  However, this was thought to be too far away from the centre of the Village.  Councillor Bowden will seek an alternative site.  In the meantime, the box will be purchased.

Action: Councillor Bowden/The Clerk

  • 10 people attended the last Community Hub meeting. An officer from the library service spoke to the group about alternative access to library services now that Rainford library has closed.
  • Plans for the 50-year Celebration Evening are on-going.


  • Finance, Planning & Administration Committee:

Councillor Long informed the meeting of the following:

  • Miller Homes are seeking to discharge some of the Conditions of the granting of planning consent, including one regarding affordable housing. The submission suggests that all the affordable housing will be built in the last phase of the build, instead of it being phased throughout the build as the Condition states.  A submission has been made from the Parish Council stating that as the conditions have not been met, it cannot be discharged.
  • A 5-year income comparison shows that the hall needs to be used as much as possible to generate income. The current bank balances are healthy, but it has to last until the end of the financial year.
  • It has proved difficult to find a decorator to quote for the work required in the Entrance Hall, Stairs and Landing.
  • The marquee at The Golden Lion has been removed.


  • Health & Safety Committee:

As Councillor Bimpson was unable to attend the meeting, there was no report.


  • VIP Working Party:

Councillor Stockton-Pugh and the Event Manager informed the meeting of the following:

  • More effort is going into recreating the Community Cinema. A free event for children will take place on 08.08.2024.  Unfortunately, the Parish Church has advertised something similar on the same day.  There was a short discussion and it was agreed that the event should go ahead on that date.  RYC had been asked about which films to show at Community Cinema.
  • The date of the Beer Festival for 2025 is 28.02.2025 – 02.03.2025. The bar has been booked and food offers are being considered.
  • A considerable number of stalls for the Christmas Fayre have already been booked. There will be a meeting with local businesses on 31.07.2024.
  • Research into lottery funding, along with other sources is being looked into. Eligibility is being checked.


  1. Draft Minutes:

Members discussed allowing the publication of draft minutes on the website, so that information for residents is more up-to-date.


RESOLVED:          Councillor Stockton-Pugh proposed that draft minutes from Parish Council meetings are published.  This was seconded by Councillor Dodson and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk


  1. Parish/Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Roberts:

Councillor Roberts informed members of the following:

  • Councillor Roberts and Stockton-Pugh had attended an on-line training session, which was useful.
  • Producing a Neighbourhood Plan is an achievable goal, but the project will need to be well supported by both Councillors and residents.
  • Residents will need to be recruited for a Working Party. There was a short discussion about whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be included in the existing Working Party’s remit, or a separate group.
  • Decisions need to be made about how to use the support that already exists.
  • Councillor Roberts has visited All Saints Church and the primary schools in the Village. She will be visiting URC on 11.08.2024, and hopes to meet with Father Paul when he returns from holiday.
  • It is very important that responses to the survey are representative of the community as a whole.
  • Some of the shops have copies of the survey, and they have all been supportive.
  • Collating the answers to the surveys already received can begin now.
  • Anything in the survey needs to comply with The Local Plan. This needs to be checked.

The Chairwoman suggested that the School Councils are approached for their involvement via the     School’s Liaison Councillor.

Councillor Roberts asked fellow members to get as many people as possible to complete the survey.

Action: All Members/Councillor Whalley


  1. Locally Listed Heritage Assets Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs):

The current ‘List of Important Buildings’ SPD is over 12 years old, and officers are in the process of updating it.  Once adopted, the updated SPD will carry full weight as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

Any building or structure of some significant historical or architectural interest can potentially be added to the list, particularly if it can be shown that it adds to the character of an area and is valued by local people.

Councillor Robinson informed members of some supplementary information she had received from St Helens Council.  There was a discussion.  The following buildings were suggested:

  1. Crank Nursery
  2. All the pubs in the parish
  • The signal box at Rainford Station


It was agreed that all members would submit any further suggestions to the Clerk by 31.07.2024.

Action: All Members/The Clerk


  1. Planning Applications P/2024/0334/FUL & P/2024/0335/ADC:

                Application Number: P/2024/0334/FUL

Proposal:              Retrospective application for the installation of 97no self-storage units with associated landscaping, parking and signage.

For:                        Full Planning Application

Location: 19 Lords Fold, Rainford St Helens


Application Number: P/2024/0335/ADC

Proposal:             Consent to display 9no signs mounted along front of site, 1no floor mounted sign, 1no information board 2no flag poles signs.

For:                        Advertisement Consent Application Location: 19 Lords Fold, Rainford St Helens


                This item was discussed under Item 4.  There was a further discussion and it was agreed that the Clerk should prepare a submission to the planning department, which will be circulated to all members.  The residents in Lords Fold will be informed of this.

Action: The Clerk

                It was also agreed that a submission should be made regarding the appeal for planning application  P/2024/0217/HHFP.  Additionally, that the CPSO should be contacted regarding the alleyway and the broken light reported to St Helens Council.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.52pm


Councillor Liz Dodson

Chairwoman, Rainford Parish Council 2024/25

4. Draft Minutes 22.07.2024 (003)

Appendix 1: Accounting statement