You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Community Liaison Committee of
in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Monday 03 June 2024 at 6.30pm
The Press & Public are invited to attend
- Apologies for Absence
- Minutes of the meeting held on 08.04.2024
See separate document
- School Liaison Officer’s Report: Councillor Whalley
- VIP Report: Councillor Stockton-Pugh
- Heritage Memorial: Councillor Reynolds
- Rainford Youth Council: Councillors Denton & Whalley
- Neighbourhood/Parish Plan: Councillor Roberts
- Knifesavers
See separate forwarded email from All Saints Church
- Community Support Group: Councillor Denton
- 50 years Celebration Dinner
For discussion and decision. This item was referred to the CLC at the Full Council meeting on 20.05.2024. The following points were made at the meeting:
- The date for the dinner is 28.09.2024
- The entertainment is already booked
- An alternative would be a 70’s style disco/party
- Beef Wellington & Bread and Butter pudding are the suggested main and dessert
- One Councillor considered the Coronation dinner to be a total disaster, but this was the only complaint.
- That the price of the tickets should cover the cost of the event only, rather than trying to make a profit, as there would be income from the bar.
- Would an alternative menu be cheaper? Could it be 2 courses + nibbles on the tables? Or ask people to provide cake for dessert?
- Advertise that the entertainment has been on Britain’s Got Talent
- It could be ‘Black Tie Optional’ and/or ‘Dress to Impress’
- It was agreed that this will be on the agenda for the next CLC meetings and that the costings would be available by then.
Sally Powell
Clerk & RFO to Rainford Parish Council1. CLC Agenda 03.06.2024