
Community Liaison Committee Agenda: 1. 03.06.2024

Uploaded on May 29, 2024

You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Community Liaison Committee of


in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Monday 03 June 2024 at 6.30pm

The Press & Public are invited to attend



  1. Apologies for Absence


  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 08.04.2024

See separate document


  1. School Liaison Officer’s Report: Councillor Whalley


  1. VIP Report: Councillor Stockton-Pugh


  1. Heritage Memorial: Councillor Reynolds


  1. Rainford Youth Council: Councillors Denton & Whalley


  1. Neighbourhood/Parish Plan: Councillor Roberts


  1. Knifesavers

See separate forwarded email from All Saints Church


  1. Community Support Group: Councillor Denton


  1. 50 years Celebration Dinner

For discussion and decision.  This item was referred to the CLC at the Full Council meeting on 20.05.2024.  The following points were made at the meeting:

  1. The date for the dinner is 28.09.2024
  2. The entertainment is already booked
  • An alternative would be a 70’s style disco/party
  1. Beef Wellington & Bread and Butter pudding are the suggested main and dessert
  2. One Councillor considered the Coronation dinner to be a total disaster, but this was the only complaint.
  3. That the price of the tickets should cover the cost of the event only, rather than trying to make a profit, as there would be income from the bar.
  • Would an alternative menu be cheaper? Could it be 2 courses + nibbles on the tables? Or ask people to provide cake for dessert?
  • Advertise that the entertainment has been on Britain’s Got Talent
  1. It could be ‘Black Tie Optional’ and/or ‘Dress to Impress’
  2. It was agreed that this will be on the agenda for the next CLC meetings and that the costings would be available by then.


Sally Powell

Clerk & RFO to Rainford Parish Council1. CLC Agenda 03.06.2024