
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 2024

Uploaded on April 29, 2024

Rainford Village Hall, Church Road, Rainford WA10 8HB
01477 884709

Date: 29.04.2024
To: Members of Rainford Parish Council

You are summoned to attend the
on Wednesday 08 May 2024 at 7pm

The Press & Public are invited to attend


1. To elect the Chairman of Rainford Parish Council for 2024/25 and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman
The Chairman elect is Councillor Liz Dodson

2. To elect the Vice Chairman of Rainford Parish Council for 2024/25 and to receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor
The Vice Chairman elect is Councillor Tracey Denton

3. To receive apologies for absence
Councillors are required to give a reason for absence

4. To receive all new Councillor’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Councillor

5. Co-option of Members
Candidates will be invited to make a short presentation after which Councillors will vote via a ballot. Any members co-opted will make a Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Councillor

6. To receive any declarations of interest from Members and update the register
Members are invited to declare disclosable pecuniary interests and other interests in items on the agenda as required by the Rainford Parish Council Code of Conduct for Members and by the Localism Act 2011.

7. To approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting of Rainford Parish Council held on 19.05.2023
See separate document

8. To approve and adopt the Standing Orders for Rainford Parish Council
See separate document. There are no proposed changes from 2023/2024.
9. To Approve and Adopt the Code of Conduct for Rainford Parish Council
See separate document. There are no proposed changes from 2023/24.

10. To appoint an Internal Auditor for 2024/25
The Internal Auditor for 2023/42 was Jacqueline Wilburn FCA CTA

11. To review Committee Structures and to appoint members to serve on the under mentioned Committees for 2024/25:
 Community Liaison
Members wishing to serve on this committee should express their interest
 Finance, Planning & Administration
Members wishing to serve on this committee should express their interest
 Health & Safety
Members wishing to serve on this committee should declare their interest

The Chairman is an ex-officio member of all committees

12. To review the Committee terms of reference
See separate documents

13. To fix the dates and times of ordinary meetings of the Council and Committees for the ensuing year

14. To Establish Working Parties
Councillors interested is being a member of a working party should declare their interest

15. To appoint a Schools Liaison Officer

Sally Powell
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer to Rainford Parish Council
2024 Summons & Agenda for Annual Meeting of PC