Draft Minutes of a meeting of the
Wednesday 14 August 2024 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors: Bardsley (arrived 6.38pm), Bimpson, Lee, Long (Chairman)
Councillor Bowden
Sally Powell (Clerk)
James Frodsham (Resident)
The Chairman welcomed Mr Frodsham to the meeting.
- Apologies for absence:
Councillor Denton (Away), Stockton-Pugh (Away)
Councillor Bardsley arrived and apologised for being late.
- Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024:
The minutes of the meeting held on 10.07.2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Bardsley, seconded by Councillor Bimpson and carried unanimously.
Action: The Clerk
- Plans:
P/2024/0357/FUL Erection of two detached dwellings with associated parking and amenity space (Resubmission of the previously approval 2no. semi-detached dwellings – P/2019/0686/FUL
Land East of 198 Ormskirk Road, Rainford
P/2024/0375/FUL Change of use from dwelling (C3) to children’s care home (C2) for up to 4no children
2 Berringtons Lane, Rainford
P/2024/0386/TPO Works to multiple trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order
7 Kenway, Rainford
There were no objections to the above planning applications
Action: The Clerk
The following plans were notified after the agenda had been sent out:
P/2024/0392/FUL Installation of Heritage Board and Memorial Stone
Land adjacent to 22A Old Lane, Rainford
P/2024/0400/FUL Change of use from selling and/or displaying motor vehicles (Sui Generis) to flooring showroom (Class E(a) with external alterations including single storey front extension
Blacks Garage, 53 – 55 Church Road, Rainford
There were no objections to either of these planning applications
Action: The Clerk
The following plans have been granted:
P/2024/0265/HHFP Replacement of the existing garage flat roof to a pitched roof with a part conversion, demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension and a front porch
4 Norwood Grove, Rainford
The following appeal has been refused:
APP/H4315/W/24/3340233 Change of Use of café (Class E) to takeaway (Sui Generis)
169, Ormskirk Road, Rainford WA11 8HR
An objection to P/2024/0334/ADC and P/2024/0335/FUL 19 Lords Fold was submitted. The Clerk informed the meeting that a resident from Lords Fold had recently contacted the Parish Council as they were concerned about activity on the site. The Planning Department informed the resident that Kim Vo who was the case officer, no longer worked for St Helens Council. The Clerk had emailed Keiran Birch asking who the new case officer was and raising the resident’s concerns. A reply has not yet been received.
Action: The Clerk
A converted horse box has opened as a Coffee shop just off the linear park between Rookery Lane and Sandwash Lane: ‘Under the Oak’. Councillor Long will visit to check it has the necessary licences and facilities.
Action: Councillor Long
- Miller Homes Development:
The Clerk informed the meeting that the planning application for advertising consent had been approved.
- Pilkington Street Garages:
James Frodsham joined the meeting for this agenda item. He distributed handouts with photographs showing the position of the garages on Pilkington Street and the proximity of one to his land, as it forms the boundary between his property and the garages, and actually crosses the boundary at one point. This point in his garden is getting very overgrown and he is unable to access it for maintenance.
The history of the garages is that they were erected during the war. The one bordering Mr Frodsham’s land was put up by the Council for Fosters to store fruit and vegetables. Ownership passed from St Helens Council to Helena Housing who had plans drawn up for 2 bungalows on the site, but this was not pursued. It is thought that ownership subsequently passed to Torus, but the company claim to have no record of the land, part of which remains unregistered at the Land Registry.
The garages and surrounding area are frequently used for anti-social activities and for fly tipping. The PCSO for Rainford is aware, and is being kept informed of developments. She has requested that any anti-social behaviour is reported to the Police.
As the garages are now in a poor state of repair and are known to contain asbestos, Mr Frodsham is concerned about the consequences of one or more of the garages collapsing. The Clerk informed the meeting that she had been in contact with Melanie Miles from St Helens Council who had undertaken a site visit in October 2023 and recommended that the garages be removed. Until recently, she was not aware that they were still in situ. She is pursuing the matter. The Clerk will keep all members and Mr Frodsham informed of any developments. The Clerk was asked to ensure that the Environmental Health department were aware of the situation.
Action: The Clerk
Mr Frodsham left the meeting
- Bar Stocktake Results:
See Appendix 1 for full results.
The gross profit from the bar for April – July 2024 was 58.79%. This is a good result showing an awareness of stock control.
- Clerk’s Report:
The following report was circulated with the agenda. Additions are in italics.
- Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
- Merseyside police have requested a new lease. This was considered at the FPA meeting on 12.06.2024 and the wording was accepted. The document is still awaited.
- A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing.
Other quotes are being sought.
- There are now 2 vacancies for Junction Ward.
- One unpaid debt has been passed to a debt collection agency and are now due for Court Action proceedings. Other overdue payments have been chased and paid.
- The office computers now have Microsoft 365. There have been some teething problems, but it is working well.
- The new lease agreement with Merseyside Police has not yet been received, but it is in the process.
- The exhibition of 50 years of the Parish Council will take place 13 – 15 September 2024 to coincide with Heritage weekend. Any memorabilia that can be used should be passed to the Clerk and the rota for staffing the chamber needs to be filled.
- Councillor Robinson and the Event Manager have submitted a National Lottery Funding application for works to make the Village Hall more accessible.
- A resident contacted the Parish Council asking who owned the car park at the front of the Golden Lion, following an incident there.
- There are on-going complaints about the number of vehicles and how they are parked on Leyland Road and Whalley Avenue. St Helens Council have been contacted about the possibility of a one-way system. The following reply was received. The PCSO is still keen to pursue this as a solution to the parking problems on these roads:
One Way systems are only installed at locations whereby injury accidents are regularly occurring due to vehicle conflict. One way systems tend to lead to higher vehicles speeds due to drivers not having to give way to oncoming traffic. Within residential estates, one way system, can lead to injury accidents as vehicles travelling at faster speeds are more likely to injure or kill a pedestrian, in particular, a child running into the road. Although one way systems do benefit the free flow of traffic, preventing injury accidents is a higher priority, in particular, on residential estates.
Instances of abuse of one-way systems can also lead to possible conflict, with drivers visiting properties near to the end of the restriction cutting out of an access the wrong way, rather than driving around the one way system.
There are no plans to install a one way system within Leyland Road as there have been no injury accidents in the last 5 year reporting period. I will ask that the location be placed on the hot spot list for enforcement of the double yellow lines at the junction and any instances of dangerous double parking can be reported directly to Merseyside Police for enforcement action.
- An outstanding debt was due to be submitted for CCJ, the case having been referred to the debt recovery agency at the end of March 2024. The customer contacted the Clerk and an agreement to reduce the amount owed was reached if an immediate payment was made. The payment was received.
- Financial Matters:
- Income & Expenditure for July 2024:
See Appendix 2 for details
Receipts £24196.40
Payments £ 39763.38
Bank balances @ 31.07.2024:
Current Account: £ 9988.89
Business Savings Account: £ 86380.98
£20,000 was transferred from the Saver account to the Current account to make payments for the payrolls for April (£8852.02) and May 2024 (£16107.04). The staff costs for May were higher because both the current and previous Event Managers were working.
The cost for the Chairwoman’s evening were also incurred this month. Councillor Lee asked what the costs were for this and stated that people had left because of the noise from the disco, which she felt was an unnecessary expense.
- 5-year Income Comparison:
See Appendix 3 for details. Discussion of this was deferred as Councillor Denton was not at the meeting.
Action: The Clerk
- Blood Box:
Councillor Bowden informed the meeting that the Blood Box had been purchased and was currently in the Clerk’s office. The Field Sports shop had agreed to have it on the outside of the premises. Arrangements need to be made for it to be put up.
The owner of the shop is also involved with the North End Club and has asked if the Parish Council would consider providing a box for the club, which cannot afford to pay for this as the club is struggling financially. The cost would be £539.86 with the contents, or £342.74 for just the box. The club already has a defib box.
There was a discussion, during which it was suggested that the club could fundraise to pay for the Blood Box. It was agreed that Councillor Bowden will make a proposal at the next Full Council meeting on 23.09.2024.
Action: The Clerk/Councillor Bowden
- Event Profitability:
The Event Manager had produced the following table showing the profitability of events in June & July 2024.
There was a discussion regarding the profitable events. It was emphasised that invoices must be paid before events take place.
- Rate Relief:
The Clerk informed the meeting that the rateable value of the Village Hall could be challenged with the Government Valuation Office Agency. St Helens Council could also be contacted to see if any further relief was applicable.
Action: The Clerk
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.50pm.
Councillor John Long
Chairman, Finance, Planning & Administration Committee
Rainford Parish Council 2024/25
APPENDIX 1: Stocktake
APPENDIX 2: Receipts and Payments for July 2024
APPENDIX 3: 5-Year Income Comparison4. Draft FPA Minutes 14.08.2024