
3. Draft Minutes: Community Liaison Committee 05.08.2024

Community Liaison CommitteeMinutes Uploaded on August 12, 2024


Minutes of a meeting of the Community Liaison Committee of


held in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Monday 05 August 2024 at 6.30pm


Present: Councillors: Bowden, Denton, Dodson, Reynolds, Robinson, Whalley (Chairwoman)


In attendance:  Sally Powell (Clerk)

                                Lisa Roxby (Event Manager)


Absent: Councillor Roberts


  1. Apologies for Absence:

Councillor Stockton-Pugh (Away)


  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 01.07.2024:

The minutes of the meeting held on 01.07.2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Dodson, seconded by Councillor Robinson and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk


  1. School Liaison Officer’s Report:

Councillor Whalley informed the meeting that all the schools have the date of the next Rainford Youth Council meeting.  Once the dates for the whole school year have been decided, the schools will be informed.


  1. VIP Report:

As Councillor Stockton-Pugh was not able to attend the meeting, the Event Manager gave the following update:

Rainford Christmas Fayre:

  • It was disappointing that no businesses attended the meeting arranged for them on 31.07.2024. There was a short discussion, and it was agreed that a 2nd letter would be distributed informing businesses of what had been agreed at the meeting in their absence.  A directory of email addresses for the businesses will also be compiled, and each will be asked for a point of contact:

Action: Councillor Robinson

Businesses will be informed why the Parish Council wishes to engage with local businesses:

Cost of the road closure

Increased footfall

Stall layout

  • 17 stall holders have already signed up, including some from last year. It was agreed that the Parish Council would have a more festive Hook-a-Duck this year and also a Bran Tub for younger visitors.  Additionally, each of the schools will be asked to run a game for children.
  • The STEM centre at St Helens College will be contacted regarding the production of Santa’s Grotto as it was felt that the blow up one was noisy.

Action: Event Manager

  • Local Businesses will be asked for Raffle prizes.

Action: Councillors Denton & Whalley

  • The Golden Lion & REDS and All Saints Church need to be contacted to see what they will be doing.

Action: Event Manager

  • Residents from Crank, Kings Moss and Crawford should be given the opportunity to be involved.

Action: The Clerk

  • Asking for volunteers should be done sooner rather than later. An article will be put in Local Life and the e-newsletter.

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager

  • Other suggestions: Free children’s rides

Christmas Characters

Dancing in the entertainment tent

Find a local celebrity to open the Fayre


  1. Updates:

Community Hub:     Councillor Denton informed the meeting that Councillor Whalley had run the last meeting.  There was nothing further to report.

Heritage Memorial:                Councillor Reynolds informed the meeting that the plans for the siting of the memorial were being redrawn and that he was requesting permission for the stone to be moved into position across the Scarisbrick Road playing fields.  Also, that there had been an article in the St Helens Star about the Tar Works in Rainford.

Knifesavers:              Councillor Bowden informed the meeting that the dentist had given permission for the Blood Box to go on their building.   The GP surgery had not yet replied, and she had not yet been able to speak to the owner of the field sports shop.  Councillor Denton will provide a telephone number.  The Blood Box has been ordered and is due to arrive Thursday.

Action: Councillor Bowden/Councillor Denton

Rainford Youth Council: Councillor Whalley informed the meeting that this had been covered in Item 3 and there was nothing further to report.


  1. Neighbourhood/Parish Plan:

As Councillor Roberts was not at the meeting, this item was deferred.


  1. Events:

The Event Manager reported that August was a quiet month in the Village Hall, but the following events were being planned:

Friday Night Quiz    The relaunch of this has been brought forward to August.  Entry will be £1 23.08.2024             per person.  There is an appetite for quizzing in Rainford and other

(4th Friday)               incentives to get people to attend, will include a leader board of teams and a loyalty scheme.


Country Night           15 tickets have been sold so far. Councillor Denton has taken fliers to the 24.08.2024               Line dancing classes at the North End Club.  Further advertising will be done

in the e-newsletter, on social media and the St Helens Gig Guide + Local

community pages on Facebook.  Also, fliers at hall events.  There is an early

bird incentive on the ticket price. (£22 or £25).


Boom Box Bingo      This is a fund raiser for the Chairwoman’s fund.  Tickets £10.  The event will 06.09.2024               be run by Sphinx and will be advertised at the Golden Lion Thursday Night

quiz.  All Councillors will be circulated with the details.

Action: Event Manager


Heritage Weekend  Exhibition of the Parish Council over the past 50 years to coincide with

13 – 15.09.24           Heritage Weekend.  There was a discussion, and it was agreed that a café

                                   should be run during the event: Coffee, Tea and Cakes only.  This will need

staffing, along with the Chamber from 10am – 4pm.  It was also agreed that

a raffle would be held across the 3 days, perhaps for a particular project

within the Village Hall.

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager


SWISH                         The logistics of this are still to be finalised



50 years Celebration Evening             Details have been agreed. Tickets £35.



Rocky Horror Show Themed Quiz      No details have been decided



Christmas Themed Friday Night Quiz



Christmas Community Cinema         

30.11.2024                 An evening showing of a film

01.12.2024                 A film for Children:  There was a discussion about which films to show.  Advertising at Little Explorers and the Dancing School.


Christmas Fayre      See Item 4



Christmas Parties   Tickets on sale £40

20.12.2024                 Robbie William’s Tribute

21.12.2024                 Michael Bublé Tribute    


28.02 – 02.03.2025  Beer Festival

An email will be sent to all Councillors with events.

There was a short discussion about trying a Rainford Community Diary again.

The Event Manager and Councillor Robinson have completed an application for National Lottery Funding for improvements to accessibility at the Village Hall.  It may take up to 12 weeks for the application to be processed and a decision made.

  1. Solar System on the Linear Park:

Councillor Reynolds spoke about this project which would involve the schools and young people’s organisations.  Planning consent may also be required.  The aim will be to have the exhibition up for summer 2025.  The Youth Council will also be involved.  There will be a scale model and a larger model giving details about each planet.  The Sun will be at the junction and Pluto on Mill Lane.  Councillor Reynolds will produce a document about the project for the Youth Council.

Action: Councillor Reynolds


  1. New Resident’s Pack:

Councillor Denton apologised for not having been able to provide information to the Event Manager.  This will be supplied as soon as possible.

Action: Councillor Denton


  1. Volunteers to get people to Luncheon Club:

Councillor Dodson initiated a discussion about arranging volunteers to bring people to lunch club.  It was agreed that the Rainford Senior Citizens Committee should be approached, as there is a lack of volunteers to prepare the lunches.  It might be possible to ask residents who volunteered during COVID 19 if they would like to become involved.  Transporting lunches to people unable to get to the Village Hall may be an alternative.

Action: Councillor Dodson


  1. Involvement of children/young people in the Parish Council:

Councillor Dodson would like to revive the initiative of Y6 students coming to the Village Hall and Council Chamber to find out about the Parish Council.  This could be linked in with the School Councils and information gathering for the Neighbourhood Plan.


  1. Garages on Pilkington Street:

The Clerk gave an update: An officer at St Helens Council had recommended in October 2023 that the garages be demolished and is now looking into why this has not happened yet.  Additionally, the possibility of a one-way system for Leyland Road and Whalley Avenue is being explored.



There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.54pm








Councillor Carol Whalley

Chairwoman, Community Liaison Committee

Rainford Parish Council 2024/25

3. CLC Draft Minutes 05.08.2024