Date: 15.07.2024
To: Members of Rainford Parish Council
You are summoned to attend a meeting of
on Monday 22 July 2024 commencing at 7pm in the Council Chamber
The Press & Public are invited to attend
1. Apologies for absence
Councillors are reminded that they must contact the Clerk in writing, prior to the meeting, to give
a valid reason for their absence
2. Formal announcements from the Chairwoman
3. Declaration of Acceptance of Office, of Interest, and Updating of the Register
Councillors are reminded to make any new Declarations of Interest.
- To hear and respond to any questions/deputations by members of the public
Janette Cockayne: Solar energy at Bridge Farm
Residents from Lords Fold regarding planning applications P/2024/0034/FUL & P/2024/0035/ADC
See Item 11
5. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Rainford Parish Council meeting held on Monday 24 June 2024 and the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday 10.07.2024.
See separate documents
6. Financial Matters
For information, discussion and decision
Receipts and Payments for June 2024
Receipts £ 12,881.73
Payments £ 9,489.26
Payments do not include staff costs as the documentation from St Helens Council did not arrive before the end of the month.
Bank balances @ 30.06.2024:
Current Account: £5,555.87
Business Account: £106,380.91
The accounts for 2023/24 were signed of at the Extraordinary Meeting on 10.07.2024 and have been submitted to the external auditor. Full details were circulated to Councillors in the Accounting Statement.
The Events Manager would like members to consider the following and make a decision:
A change to bookings for the Main Hall on Fridays and Saturdays from the new year.
Currently, we allow class bookings every day of the week which on the most part works well. The issue that sometimes occurs is when we have a booking on a Friday or Saturday for a 1 or 2 hour class which has been booked well in advance, but then have to turn away bookings for parties or other large scale events which could be quite lucrative for the hall.
Could it be proposed that Friday and Saturday evenings will not be available for class bookings until 6 weeks before the date? This change will mean that we have more weekends available for parties and larger events (which we are currently getting lots of enquiries about), while still offering space for classes closer to the date.
Clerk’s Report
- An email from Paula Blellock had been received regarding another EPC survey. The Energy surveyor has been in touch to arrange to re-do the survey. The additional loft insulation has now been fitted. Further information regarding the installation of an air-conditioning unit for heating and cooling the Main Hall is awaited. A video of the hall has been submitted.
- Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
- Following the FPA committee meeting, St Helens Council have been contacted regarding the lowering of the transitional relief and the lack of communication regarding the increase, particularly before the precept was set.
- The PCSO for Rainford, Donna Mooney, will be attending a Parish Council meeting in the near future.
- The electricity smart meter was installed on 11.07.2024.
- Merseyside police have requested a new lease. This was considered at the FPA meeting on 12.06.2024 and the wording was accepted. The document is still awaited.
- The migration to Flexmail is complete. Any Councillors still having difficulties with their Councillor email should contact the Clerk as soon as possible.
- A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing. Other quotes are being sought.
- There is still a vacancy for Junction Ward.
- The Co-op Community Fund and Whitemoss grants are open for applications. Consideration will be given to the criteria, and applications submitted as appropriate.
- One unpaid debt has been passed to a debt collection agency and are now due for Court Action proceedings.
- 15 tables were lent out for the Crank gala. They have been returned.
- The office computers now have Microsoft 365. There have been some teething problems, but it is working well.
- The new lease agreement with Merseyside Police has not yet been received, but it is in the process.
- A complaint had been received regarding the giving out of goldfish as prizes at the fair on Walking Day. This was passed to the organisers, but no reply was received, even though a further complaint was made by the same resident. An email has now been received from the Environmental Health Department, following a complaint.
- A new class started in the Reception Room on 17.07.2024.
7. Committee & Working Party Reports
- Borough Council: Councillors Case & Mussell
- Community Liaison Committee: Councillor Whalley
- Finance, Planning & Administration Committee: Councillor Long
- Health & Safety Committee: Councillor Bimpson
- VIP Working Party: Councillor Stockton-Pugh
- Draft Minutes
For discussion and decision
The Clerk and Event Manager would like members to consider allowing the publication of draft minutes on the website, so that information for residents is more up-to-date.
- Parish/Neighbourhood Plan: Cllr Roberts
- Locally Listed Heritage Assets Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
For discussion and decision
The following correspondence has been received from St Helens Council:
Following the adoption of the St Helens Borough Local Plan up to 2037 (Local Plan) in July 2022, the Council have adopted, and are in the process of producing, a number of new Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), which provide further details and guidance on the interpretation and implementation of policies within the Local Plan. The current ‘List of Locally Important Buildings’ SPD is over 12 years old and therefore Officers are in the process of updating this SPD, to ensure the guidance is up to date and relevant to the current heritage policies within the Local Plan. Once adopted the SPD will carry full weight as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
Alongside updating the current SPD, Officers are also in the process of developing a list of buildings and structures of local interest, that will sit alongside the SPD as a ‘living’ document which will be updated on a regular basis. The purpose of this is to identify and highlight as many locally important buildings, structures, and sites as possible, and for them to be given the appropriate level of consideration in planning decisions. Whilst the inclusion of a building or structure on the list in most cases does not interfere with the owner’s ability to manage the building or structure, it will help raise awareness of its significance.
Officers have identified over 200 buildings and structures which we consider to be of local interest, however, we would welcome further nominations from members of the public, local heritage/civic groups and other interested parties.
Any building or structure of some significant historical or architectural interest can potentially be added to the list, particularly if it can be shown that it contributes to the character of an area and is valued by local people. Any nominations received will be assessed by a review panel in due course.
The nomination consultation will take place for 4 weeks, starting Thursday 11th July 2024 until Thursday 8th August 2024. Nominations can be made via the Council’s website Consultations and latest news – St Helens Borough Council with hard copies of the from available from St Helens Town Hall main reception and libraries within the Borough. Consultation on the updated ‘Locally Listed Heritage Assets’ SPD will be undertaken in due course.
If you require any help in completing the Locally Listed Heritage Assets Nomination form, then please contact a member of the Development Plans team by telephone on 01744 676190, or by email at
Which buildings in Rainford Parish should be nominated.
- Planning Applications P/2024/0334/FUL & P/2024/0335/ADC
For discussion and decision
Application Number: P/2024/0334/FUL
Proposal: Retrospective application for the installation of 97no self-storage units with associated landscaping, parking and signage.
For: Full Planning Application
Location: 19 Lords Fold, Rainford St Helens
Application Number: P/2024/0335/ADC
Proposal: Consent to display 9no signs mounted along front of site, 1no floor mounted sign, 1no information board 2no flag poles signs.
For: Advertisement Consent Application Location: 19 Lords Fold, Rainford St Helens
Sally Powell
Clerk & RFO to Rainford Parish Council