
2. Meeting of the Finance, Planning & Administration Committee 12.06.2024

Uploaded on July 15, 2024

2. FPA Agenda 12.06.2024

2. FPA Minutes 12.06.2024


Minutes of a meeting of the


held in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at 6.30pm


Present:               Councillors:        Bardsley (Chairman), Bimpson, Denton,

Stockton-Pugh (left 6.55pm)

As Councillor Long was unable to attend the meeting, Councillor Bimpson proposed that Councillor Bardsley chaired the meeting.  This was seconded by Councillor Stockton-Pugh and carried unanimously.

  1. Apologies for absence:

Cllr Dodson (Business), Cllr Long (Away)

  1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2024:

The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 15 May 2024, were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Bimpson, seconded by Councillor denton and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk

  1. Plans:

P/2024/0265/HHFP             Replacement of the existing garage flat roof to a pitched roof with a part conversion, demolition of the existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension, and a front porch

4 Norwood Grove, Rainford

There were no objections to this application.

The following applications have been granted:

P/2022/0461/FUL                The erection of 338 swellings with associated access, public open space, sustainable urban drainage systems and other infrastructure.

Land opposite 55 to 85 Rookery Lane, Rainford

P/2024/0084/HHFP             Demolition of the existing rear conservatory and erection of a single storey front extension with pitched roof over to match existing, single storey rear extension with rear dormer window, 2no dormer windows to the front and a front porch

Brookfield, Spring Vale, Reeds Brow, Rainford

P/2024/0134/HHFP               Erection of a two-storey extension along with a pitched roof over existing front dormer (amended proposal)

9 Heyes Grove, Rainford


An objection was submitted to the following application:

P/2024/0191/FUL                  Proposed engineering works to facilitate reduction in volume of existing fishing lake/reservoir to below 10,000m3 and the construction of equipment store/wardens office

Rainford reservoir, Higher Lane, Rainford

A supporting document was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for the following application appeal:

Notification of appeal under section 78          P/2023/0714/FUL             APP/H4315/W24/3340233    Change of use of café (Class E) to takeaway (Sui Generis), installation of external extraction unit and external alterations to shopfront (part retrospective)

169 Ormskirk Road, Rainford

A Planning Officer at St Helens Council was contacted regarding a marquee that has been erected at the rear of the Golden Lion Pub.  They confirmed that planning permission for this marquee has not been obtained.  There was a discussion.  It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the Golden Lion asking the manager to contact the Parish Council.

Action: The Clerk


  1. Clerk’s Report:

The following report was circulated with the agenda.  Additions are in italics.

  1. An email from Paula Blellock had been received regarding another EPC survey. The Energy surveyor has been in touch to arrange to re-do the survey, but the additional loft insulation has not yet been fitted. This was supposed to be done on 29.05.2024, but they did not turn up. Another date for this has been requested.

The Energy Surveyor also suggested that an air-conditioning unit for heating and cooling the Main Hall is considered.–20000-btu-inverter-heat-pump-a-240v50hz-795-p.asp

Further information has been requested and a visit from an Engineer to ensure the correct size of unit and determine the cost.

  1. Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
  • The PCC of All Saints Church have been sent a photo and the dimensions of the Blood Box. A decision has not yet been made about siting the Blood Box on the Parish Hall wall.
  1. Work on completing the year-end figures is on-going.
  2. A payment of £1406.80 for the PWLB loan was made on 30.04.2024.
  3. Following the FPA committee meeting, St Helens Council have been contacted regarding the lowering of the transitional relief and the lack of communication regarding the increase, particularly before the precept was set.
  • A Penalty Notice has been received from the Pensions Regulator. This has been passed on to payroll at St Helens Council and a reply is awaited. The Pensions Regulator has also been contacted.
  • An email has been received from Rainford Young Farmers regarding an initiative to place tractor tyres filled with flowers on grass verges around the parish. Permission would be required from St Helens Council.  It was also suggested that Rainford in Bloom is contacted.
  1. The PCSO for Rainford Donna Mooney has started and will be attending a Parish Council meeting in the near future. She is getting to know the area and has visited the schools and other organisations.  She has also spent time telling people that they can’t park on double yellow lines.
  2. The invitations for Civic Sunday on 02.06.2024 have been sent out.
  3. The Village Hall Events Manager has been enrolled on a Personal Licence course.
  • The electricity meter needs to be upgraded. A large hole has been dug at the side of the building blocking the disabled access.  The work is due to be completed on 11.05.2024
  • There was a drainage blockage from the ladies’ toilets, which has now been resolved.
  • The film for the cellar has been purchased.  
  1. The organisers of Walking Day have requested a donation equivalent to that given last year: £250.

There was a short discussion.

RESOLVED:          Councillor Denton proposed that a donation of £250 should be given towards the costs of Walking Day.  This was seconded by Councillor Bimpson and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk            

  • Applications are open for the Co-op Community Fund and Whitemoss grants. It was agreed that the Clerk and Events Manager should apply for any grants that may be applicable to the Village Hall and Parish Council.
  1.    Income & Expenditure for May 2024

             See Appendix 1 for details

Receipts                  £ 10,202.90

Payments               £ 21,018

Bank balances @ 30.04.2024:

Current Account: £ 6410.90

Business Savings Account: £71,932.04.

The School Crossing Patrol on Cross Pit Lane:

St Helens Council have conducted an assessment that concluded that the school meet the necessary criteria for a patrol to a maximum or 5 hours per week.  Currently the patrol is for 7.5 hours. Therefore, the shortfall will need to be paid by either the school or the Parish Council. The cost of the additional 2.5 hours would be £2,499.51 per annum.

There was a discussion, during which the following points were made:

  • How much would the Borough Councillors be contributing?
  • How much would the school be contributing?
  • If the assessment was for 5 hours, why are the other 2.5 hours necessary?
  • Other schools in Rainford do not get financial assistance from the Parish Council.

It was agreed that this item should be further discussed and decided at the next Full Council Meeting on 24.06.2024.

There was a discussion regarding the liabilities of the Parish Council for the current financial year. See Appendix 2

There was a lengthy discussion, during which the following points were made:

  • The over 40% increase in rates along with other price increases has left margins very tight.
  • Different ways of advertising events at the Village Hall should be looked into
  • Should the Event Manager be given target
  • Staff bonus payments need to be revisited
  • A tighter grip needs to be kept on payments for hiring the Village Hall, particularly in relation to the kitchen and how it is left following functions. A system of taking a £300 deposit was discussed, in case the kitchen is not left clean and tidy. The kitchen must be checked before and after a function, with a checklist.  To action this, an inventory of all the equipment left out in the kitchen needs to be made.  The Food Hygiene documents must also be completed.  For regular kitchen users, additional cleaning costs should be added to the next invoice, if necessary.  Additionally, it should be made clear to all hall users that the fridge freezer belongs to the Village Hall, and permission should be sought to use it.  Furthermore, the Health & Safety committee should check the kitchen and the documentation each time it meets.  A letter should be sent to all regular kitchen users informing them of the new terms and conditions.

The Clerk was asked to provide a spreadsheet showing projected for this financial year and income from the last 5 years, including:

  • Bookings
  • Regular Classes
  • Rent
  • Bar income
  • Events
  • How much additional income would be generated by increasing the precept

Action: The Clerk

  1.  Village Hall Lease

             No further developments.

  1. Year End

             The accounts are still being prepared as there are some anomalies.  Arrangements have been made for the Internal Auditor to visit again.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.10pm


Councillor John Long

Chairman, Finance, Planning & Administration Committee

Rainford Parish Council2024/25


Appendix 1

2. May 2024 Payments        2. May 2024 receipts

Appendix 2

2024.25 Liabilities