
2. Community Liaison Committee Minutes 01.07.2024

Uploaded on August 12, 2024

2. CLC Minutes 01.07.2024 (1)

Minutes of a meeting of the Community Liaison Committee of


held in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Monday 01 July 2024 at 6.30pm


Present:               Councillors: Bowden, Denton, Dodson, Robinson, Stockton-Pugh,

        Whalley (Chairwoman)


In attendance:                          Sally Powell (Clerk)

                                                        Lisa Roxby (Events Manager)



  1. Apologies for Absence:

Councillor Reynolds (Family), Councillor Roberts (Family)


  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 03.06.2024:

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 03 June 2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record with the addition of ‘Thickwood Moss Road’ on Item 8.  This was proposed by Councillor Denton, seconded by Councillor Dodson and carried unanimously.

Action: The Clerk


  1. School Liaison Officer’s Report:

Councillor Whalley informed the meeting that she was waiting for replies to her emails for requests to meet up.


  1. VIP Report:

Councillor Stockton-Pugh informed the meeting that the VIP had not met since the last meeting, but would be meeting next week.

Beer Festival 27.02.2025 – 01.03.2025

There was a discussion and the following suggestions were made:

  • Approach larger companies for sponsorship of higher costing items such as the bar
  • Try and get the programmes sponsored
  • Councillor Holden may have a sponsor for the Gin/Spirit Table. The profit from this will go to the Chairman’s fund.
  • Do more to make the Sunday a family day:
  • Face paints
  • Where’s Whalley
  • Some sort of entertainment (an acoustic singer?)


  1. Heritage Memorial:

As Councillor Reynolds was not at the meeting, this item was deferred.


  1. Rainford Youth Council:

Councillors Bowden & Whalley informed the meeting that they were waiting for replies from the schools as to whether the next meeting would be on 11th or 18th July 2024.


  1. Neighbourhood/Parish Plan:

As Councillor Roberts was not at the meeting, Councillor Stockton-Pugh informed the meeting that he had attended an online course regarding Neighbourhood Plans.  He will send the briefing notes to all members of the CLC.  The Event Manager stated that there had been around 50 responses to the survey so far.  This will be enough to use to produce a pre-submission document.  Any documents produced will need to be ratified by St Helens Council.  There are grants available, but also deadlines to be mindful of.  Following the general election on 04.07.2024 there may be new legislation.

A decision will need to be made at a full Council meeting regarding the feasibility of producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

Councillor Stockton-Pugh


  1. Knifesavers:

Councillor Bowden informed the meeting that she is currently waiting for a price for the box, contents and installation.  The dentist in Thickwood Moss Road has verbally agreed to have the box on the wall of the surgery.  A letter needs to be sent for him to sign.

Additionally, Councillor Bowden has emailed Nikhil Mistra to inform him about the box and to get dates for training.

Action: Councillor Bowden/The Clerk


  1. Community Hub:

Councillor Denton informed the meeting that there was no further update.  The Clerk stated that she had seen a video by Tony Foster that may be of interest to the group.


  1. 50 years Celebration Dinner:

There was a discussion and the following points were made:

  • The ticket price has been agreed at £35
    • A Hog Roast has been booked at a cost of between £8 and £12 pp depending on numbers hand what is required
  • If 100 tickets are sold, then costs for food and entertainment will be £27 per person
  • There are other items that need to be included in the costings, such as tablecloths
  • A poster is currently being produced
  • The event will be marketed as a 50 years Celebration Evening
  • The booked entertainment will do an hour set and put on a play list
  • Gold/Cream theme
  • The Event Manager is working on the logistics for the evening
  • There will be an exhibition in the bar area focused on the Parish Council 2074 – 2024
  • It is important that the event is marketed and the tickets sold:
  • Posters around the Village
  • Use email where possible to inform people about the event. The Event Manager will create a link for people to register for the newsletter.
  • Use E-newsletter and Local Life
  • Word of Mouth
  • Include details such as BGT about the Entertainment on the marketing materials

Other ideas for the evening:

  • Welcome drink or toast
  • 70’s disco later in the evening

Action: Event Manager/The Clerk/All Members


  1. Solar System on the Linear Park:

As Councillor Reynolds was unable to attend the meeting, this item was deferred.

Action: The Clerk


  1. New Resident’s Pack:

Councillor Denton initiated a discussion and the following was agreed:

  • Councillor Denton will send the Events Manager information from another Parish Council
  • The packs should contain details of activities in the Village, with contact information
  • Councillors should attend coffee mornings, when possible, to meet and speak with residents. Councillor Denton will contact Myra Hartley for a list of coffee mornings taking place in the Parish Church Hall
  • Councillors should attend other events in the Village such as the school plays
  • Councillors should attend meetings such as Wednesday Welcome, when possible, to meet and speak with residents

Action: The Clerk/The Event Manager/Councillor Denton


Other Matters

  1. Councillor Stockton-Pugh asked for ‘Events’ to be a permanent agenda item
  2. Councillor Denton asked for the calendar to be circulated to all Councillors
  3. Councillor Denton informed the meeting that she had raised £1200 on her sponsored walk for the Alzheimer’s Society and thanked all those who had supported her.  The Events Manager will post details on social media
  4. Councillor Bowden informed the meeting that grants of up to £2000 can be applied for from the Miller Homes community fund
  5. Councillor Stockton-Pugh asked for Resident’s Recognition Award to be put on the full Council agenda for September 2024

Action: The Clerk/Event Manager



There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.25pm




Councillor Carol Whalley

Chairwoman, Community Liaison Committee

Rainford Parish Council 2024/25