Minutes of a meeting of the
held in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall on Wednesday 14 February 2024 at 6.30pm
Present: Councillors: Bardsley, Bimpson, Denton, Lee, Long (Chairman)
In attendance: Sally Powell (Clerk
1. Apologies for absence:
Councillor Stockton-Pugh (Family)
2. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2024:
The month in the title should be January not December. With this correction, the minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record proposed by Councillor Lee, seconded by Councillor Bimpson and carried unanimously.
3. Plans:
P/2023/0714/FUL Change of use of café (Class E) to takeaway (Sui Generis)
169 Ormskirk Road, Rainford
Although the applicant has been told that this application has been refused, the Parish Council has not been notified of this and on the St Helens Council website it is showing as decision pending
There was a short discussion regarding this application.
P/2024/0048/HHFP Change existing flat roof to hip pitched roof, including altered external openings
9 Beech Gardens, Rainford
There were no objections to this application
P/2024/0050/HHFP Single storey side extension
100 Church Road, Rainford
There were no objections to this application
P/2024/0063/HHFP Single storey rear extension with external alterations along with the demolition of former agricultural building
33 Pimbo Road, Kings Moss
There were no objections to this application
The following application has been refused:
P/2024/0686/OUP Outline application for erection of 1no detached dwelling, and retention of existing workshop building, with some matters reserved except access, layout and scale
Land to rear of 2 to 16 Pasture Lane
Development within the Green Belt
P/2022/0461/FUL The erection of 338 dwellings with associated access, public open space, sustainable urban drainage systems and other infrastructure
Land opposite 55 – 85 Rookery Lane, Rainford
The Parish Council have been notified that this application is pending decision
4. Clerk’s Office Report
The following report was circulated with the agenda. Additions are in italics.
i. A meeting has taken place with Steve Littler and other officers from St Helens Council regarding the lease for the Village Hall. Copies of documents were requested by the officers, which have been provided. The list of works and information for the lease which Steve Littler stated would be provided before Christmas has still not been received. This was chased on 08.02.2024.
ii. The invoice for the outside tree lights for Christmas has not yet been received.
iii. The sanding and polishing of the Main Hall Floor will take place week commencing 25.03.2024. Payment will be made in the next financial year. Classes in the Main Hall will have to be cancelled.
iv. Flooding and trees falling on the Linear Way continue to be problems. Officers from St Helens Council have been informed and undertaken site visits.
v. Quotes for replacing the boilers are awaited. They have been requested in time for the meeting.
vi. Quotes for replacing the printer have been received. Please see forwarded emails. There have been further problems with the printer and as a result it was not possible to print all the programmes for the Beer Festival, so this had to be outsourced.
vii. A submission in support of P/2023/0714/FUL was lodged.
viii. Sara Manson, (Principal Planning Officer (Policy)) will be attending the full Council meeting on 26.02.2024 to give information about Neighbourhood Plans.
ix. Work has started on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
x. The Fire Alarm has been serviced. A recommendation was made for additional smoke alarms in the corridor leading to the toilets.
xi. A meeting has been arranged with Jenny Wynn, Police Officer responsible for Rainford on Monday 11.03.2024 at 5.30pm for her to meet Councillors and discuss any issues of concern.
xii. The PCC of All Saints Church have been asked if they would consider having the Blood Box on the Parish Hall.
xiii. The final recommendations from the Community Governance Review have been approved. See separate document.
xiv. It is possible to apply for a free portrait of the King to hang in the Village Hall. It was agreed that this should be obtained.
Action: The Clerk
xv. An email regarding the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment call for sites exercise has been received from the planning department at St Helens Council. It was agreed that Sara Manson would be asked about this as she is attending the next full Council meeting on 26.02.2024.
xvi. All Saints Parish Church have not yet made a decision about the Blood Box being sited on the Parish Hall wall.
xvii. The Beer Festival was a success and made a profit, but it was not as busy as last year.
There was a discussion and the following suggestions were made for future events:
• Not as many half pint glasses are needed, as most people wanted a pint glass
• Offer this year’s glasses for sale as they are the 50 years 1974 – 2024 ones.
• Ask businesses to donate a single bottle of Gin for the Chairman’s Gin Table, as this is more affordable
• Councillor Holden may be able to help with sponsorship and/or getting contact details for local microbreweries.
• Local Gin Companies could also be approached for one bottle.
• Have last entry at 9pm
• Have something like ‘Get there early enough to spend your tokens’ on the advertising
Councillor Denton requested that a comparison of all the beer festivals is produced and circulated to all members before the next full meeting
5. Income & Expenditure for January 2024:
See Appendix 1 for full details
Receipts £ 10740.15
Payments £ 33,557.79
Bank balances @ 31.01.2024:
Current Account: £5,725.87
Business Account: £65,777.72
Councillor Long informed the meeting that he had looked into the options for replacing the printer in depth. There was a discussion and it was decided that an option without a fixed term contract would be preferable, as the machine could be changed, if it was not suitable.
RESOLVED: Councillor Lee proposed that a remanufactured Konica Minolta Bizhub C258/C308/C368 colour copier/Printer/Scanner including Saddle finisher is ordered at a rental of £25 per month (no term). This was seconded by Councillor Denton and carried unanimously
Action: The Clerk
Councillor Lee asked about the Peter Kay event on 15.03.2024, as it had not been advertised. The Clerk was unable to provide details, but will forward information to the committee.
Action: The Clerk
Councillor Denton asked whether the Parish Council would consider funding a Winter package for pensioners in the Village. It would appear that people in other parts of the borough are still receiving these, even though they have not been given out in Rainford for some time. The Clerk was asked to find out information to clarify the situation. The Chairman suggested that, if appropriate, Councillor Denton put together some costings and made a proposal at the next full Council meeting.
Action: Councillor Denton/The Clerk
6. Village Hall Lease:
Despite several emails, the list promised by Steve Littler for before Christmas has still not arrived. Both he and Paula have recently been on annual leave. The Clerk was asked to chase this again. There was a discussion about why it is taking St Helens Council so long to produce a draft lease. It was noted that other organisations who rent buildings from St Helens Council are having similar difficulties. It has still not been possible to get a copy of the covenant for the Village Hall.
The Clerk informed the meeting that the windows in the Chamber would be replaced within the next few weeks. The large window at the rear of the Main Hall would take longer as it has to be bespoke, but it is on order.
Action: The Clerk
7. Private Agenda:
The Clerk was asked to leave the meeting while members discussed remuneration10. FPA Minutes 14.02.2024 for staff. Councillor Lee took minutes and will circulate any proposal to all Council members before the next full Council meeting on 26.02.2024.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 7.78pm
Councillor John Long
Chairman, Finance, Planning & Administration Committee
Rainford Parish Council 2023/24
Appendix 1