Minutes of a meeting of RAINFORD PARISH COUNCIL held on 20 May 2024 commencing at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Rainford Village Hall
Present: Councillors: Bardsley, Bimpson, Bowden, Long, Reynolds, Roberts, Stockton-Pugh
Absent: Councillor Turner
As neither the Chairwoman or Vice Chairwoman were able to attend the meeting, Councillor Bardsley proposed that Councillor Long chaired the meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Reynolds and carried unanimously.
1. Apologies for Absence:
Cllr Dodson (Away), Cllr Denton (Away), Cllr Holden (Business), Cllr Lee (Business),
Cllr Whalley (Away)
- Formal announcements from the Chairman:
3. Declaration of Acceptance of Office, of Interest, and Updating of the Register:
- To hear and respond to any questions/deputations by members of the public:
5. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Rainford Parish Council meeting held on Monday 22 April 2024:
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 22.04.2024 were agreed as a true and accurate record, proposed by Councillor Bardsley, seconded by Councillor Bimpson and carried unanimously.
Action: The Clerk
- Photographs for Reception Room:
Councillor Stockton-Pugh will provide details to check that the chosen photos are suitable.
Action: Cllr Stockton-Pugh/The Clerk
7. Receipts and Payments for April 2024:
Receipts £ 19,883.56
Payments £ 14,574.47
£7,000 was transferred from the Business Savings Account to the Current Account to make payments including the Main Hall floor and staff costs which had not been requested by payroll.
Bank balances @ 31.03.2024:
Current Account: £6,410.90
Business Account: £39,065.85
See Appendix 1 for details
8. Clerk’s Report:
The following report was circulated with the agenda. Additions are in italics.
- An email from Paula Blellock had been received regarding another EPC survey. The Energy surveyor has been in touch to arrange to re-do the survey, but the additional loft insulation has not yet been fitted. A date for this has been requested. The Energy Surveyor also suggested that an air-conditioning unit for heating and cooling the Main Hall is considered.
- Work continues on gathering photographs and other memorabilia for the 50 years of the Parish Council exhibition.
- The PCC of All Saints Church have been sent a photo and the dimensions of the Blood Box. A decision has not yet been made about siting the Blood Box on the Parish Hall wall.
- Work on completing the year-end figures is on-going.
- A payment of £1406.80 for the PWLB loan was made on 30.04.2024.
- Following the FPA committee meeting, St Helens Council have been contacted regarding the lowering
of the transitional relief and the lack of communication regarding the increase, particularly before
the precept was set.
- A Penalty Notice has been received from the Pensions Regulator. This has been passed on to payroll at
St Helens Council and a reply is awaited. The Pensions Regulator has also been contacted. A reply has
been received from the Pension Regulator and further information from payroll has been requested.
- An email has been received from Rainford Young Farmers regarding an initiative to place tractor tyres
filled with flowers on grass verges around the parish. Permission would be required from St Helens
Council. It was also suggested that Rainford in Bloom is contacted. Councillor Reynolds suggested that
all the flowers should be pollinators to encourage bees. Councillor Bimpson suggested the tyres could
be put by existing signs. The Clerk was asked to enquire if the Rainford Young Farmers needed any
further assistance.
Action: The Clerk
- The PCSO for Rainford Donna Mooney has started and will be attending a Parish Council meeting in
the near future. She is getting to know the area and has visited the schools and other organisations.
She has also spent time telling people that they can’t park on double yellow lines.
- The invitations for Civic Sunday on 02.06.2024 have been sent out.
- The Village Hall Events Manager has been enrolled on a Personal Licence course.
- The electricity meter needs to be upgraded. A large hole was dug at the side of the building
blocking the disabled access. The work was completed on 11.05.2024.
- There was a drainage blockage from the ladies’ toilets, which has now been resolved.
- A resident contacted the Parish Council regarding an issue with Rainford brook.
- A resident contacted the Parish Council about the length of the grass on the by-pass, pot holes on roads
in the village, and a regular noise that has started near Lords Fold.
- A resident contacted the Parish Council about containers that had appeared near their property.
xvi. The planning appeal consultation document for 169 Ormskirk Road has been received.
xvii. Merseyside police have requested a new lease.
xviii. The website and email host for the Parish Council have suggested changing the to a new system as
several of the email accounts are full, or very nearly full.
xix. A quotation of £5200 + VAT has been received for the redecoration of the hall, stairs and landing.
Other quotes are being sought.
- The casual vacancies in Junction & Randle Ward have been advertised.
xxi. No general correspondence has been received.
xxii The Clerk read out the following email from Tony Foster of the Rainford First Responders’ Support Group:
Good Afternoon Sally,
Thank you for your email.
The Council’s offer to ‘adopt’ the defibrillator on the outside wall of the Village Hall, and bear the ongoing maintenance costs (pads and battery), is generous and one that on behalf of the Support Group, I am very happy to accept.
Similarly, thank you also for the kind offer to allow the Support Group free use of the Village Hall once a year for a fund-raising event. This is a most helpful contribution from the Council, and one that of course I’m delighted to accept. Once I’ve had an opportunity to discuss the possible nature of a Village Hall event with my colleagues, I’ll get in touch with you so that we may talk about dates etc.
In the meantime, I would be grateful if my thanks could be conveyed to Council members for their support. Thank you, Sally, for directing my earlier correspondence to the Council – your assistance is much appreciated.
xxiii. Several residents have lodged complaints about the length of the grass on the by-pass. St Helens Council have been contacted. The grass should have been cut on 18.05.204, but the contractor cancelled the day before. It has been rescheduled for 25.05.2024 and 01.06.2024.
xxiv. The invitations for the Chairwoman’s evening have gone out and replies have started to come in. Councillor Dodson will be raising funds for Rainford Young Carers.
xxv. A resident has asked about fishing on Delph Lake behind Henderson Drive. It was suggested that David Grice is contacted for further information.
Action: The Clerk
xxvi. The Mayoress, Councillor Jeanette Banks is attending Civic Service. This is on 02.06.2024.
xxv. The Event Co-ordinator’s Leaving ‘do’ is 31.05.2024 at 12.30pm. Please let the Clerk know if you will be attending.
xxvi. An email had been received from Ron Bailey asking for support for a campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries and their disposal. Councillor Reynolds wished to ensure that the campaign was worth supporting and the Clerk was asked to circulate the information received, so that members could make a more informed decision.
Action: The Clerk
9. Committee & Working Party Reports:
- Borough Council: The Borough Councillors had not provided a report.
- Community Liaison Committee:
Councillor Reynolds informed members that the CLC had not met since the last full Council meeting. However, he gave an update on the Heritage project:
A detailed drawing of the memorial stone is required for the planning permission. Additionally, insurance needs to be arranged for getting the stone into position, if planning permission is granted.
Action: Councillor Reynolds/The Clerk
Councillor Bowden informed the meeting that a new date for the Knifesaver training had not yet been set and the PCC at All Saints Church have not yet given permission for the Blood Box to go on the Parish Hall wall. There was a short discussion and it was agreed that, in the meantime, an alternative site near another defibrillator in the Village should be identified, so that this initiative could be moved forward.
Action: Councillor Bowden/The Clerk
Councillor Long informed the meeting that he had been approached by residents asking about a Litter Pick in the Village. There was a short discussion and it was agreed that this might be something that the Rainford Youth Council could get involved with. It will be discussed at the next RYC meeting on 23.05.2024. Rainford-in-Bloom also litter pick when they are looking after the planters and borders. The Event Manager asked to be informed when any litter picks were taking place.
Action: Councillor Bowden
Councillor Bowden also informed the meeting about the Rainford 5k run taking place on 09.06.2024. There will also be a mini 1k run for children. This will also be mentioned at the RYC meeting on 23.05.2024.
Action: Councillor Bowden
- Finance, Planning & Administration Committee:
Councillor Long informed the meeting of the following:
- The business rates for 2024/25 will cost an additional £6k. Ways of challenging this are being considered.
- The possibility of forming a Trust for the Village Hall is being researched. If this was an option, it might give access to grants and funding not available to the Parish Council. Councillor Reynolds advised members that if a building is wholly or mainly occupied by a charity or a charitable trust, then it is entitled to 80% relief on the rates. Councillor Reynolds will find out further information.
Action: Councillor Reynolds
- There are also other increases in costs, so all spending will need to be carefully considered.
- The request from the Rainford First Responders was considered at the committee meeting. It was agreed that the Parish Council should offer to ‘adopt’ the defibrillator box on the Village Hall and pay all maintenance costs for it. Additionally, the Support Group could have free use of the Village Hall once every 12 months for a fund-raising event, and assistance with this would be provided, if requested.
- The Event Co-ordinator had been instrumental in raising a fantastic amount of money for the Village Hall during her time in post.
- Planning enforcement officers are involved in issues on Pasture Lane and Lords Fold.
- The Chairman officially welcomed Lisa Rigby in her role as Village Hall Events Manager. She was able to start before Vicky left, which was invaluable.
- Health & Safety Committee:
Councillor Bimpson informed members that the next meeting would take place on 12.06.2024.
- Village Hall Working Party:
- Following the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, the working party is now known as the Village Hall Improvements Working Party (VIP).
- The Event Manager informed the meeting that costings would be produced for all functions before the event is advertised.
- There will be Community Cinema showings at Christmas and a Christmas themed quiz.
- Councillor Stockton-Pugh stated that VIP would be looking at events to raise funds for specific hall improvements, to maintain the traction and momentum started with the immediate past chairman’s fund.
- A Crazy Christmas Quiz was a suggestion as these have previously been lucrative events.
- The Clerk was asked for a breakdown of the funds provided and spent through the Chairman’s fund in 2023/24.
Action: The Clerk
- Amore fluid plan with a proposal will be discussed at the next meeting.
Action: Councillor Stockton-Pugh/The Clerk
- Cancelling Lancashire Association of Local Councils membership:
There was a short discussion.
RESOLVED: Councillor Long proposed that membership of the Lancashire Association of Local Councils is not renewed from 01.04.2025. This was seconded by Councillor Reynolds and carried unanimously.
Action: The Clerk
- 50 years celebration Gala Dinner 28.09.2024:
There was a discussion and the following points were made:
- The date for the dinner is 28.09.2024
- The entertainment is already booked
- An alternative would be a 70’s style disco/party
- Beef Wellington & Bread and Butter pudding are the suggested main and dessert
- One Councillor considered the Coronation dinner to be a total disaster, but this was the only complaint.
- That the price of the tickets should cover the cost of the event only, rather than trying to make a profit, as there would be income from the bar.
- Would an alternative menu be cheaper? Could it be 2 courses + nibbles on the tables? Or ask people to provide cake for dessert?
- Advertise that the entertainment has been on Britain’s Got Talent
- It could be ‘Black Tie Optional’ and/or ‘Dress to Impress’
- It was agreed that this will be on the agenda for the next CLC meetings and that the costings would be available by then.
Action: The Clerk/The Event Co-ordinator/Event Manager
- Parish/Neighbourhood Plan:
Councillor Roberts reported the following responses from the questionnaire:
What people like about Rainford:
- Friendly community
- Good Homes
- Parks
- The Co-op
What people don’t like about Rainford:
- Increase in vandalism
- Litter
- Poor public transport
- Lack of large park
- No library
- Lack of activities for younger residents
What changes residents would like to see:
- The existing green spaces to be protected; no more housing.
- Better opportunities to get to know what is happening in the village
- A Shein Pop-Up shop; We have SWISH!
Councillor Roberts asked for the survey to be put on the Parish Council Social Media pages, so that residents could answer directly. Also, that the next SWISH event is advertised, and that the possibility of a ‘mini-SWISH’ for younger residents is considered. Additionally, that volunteer opportunities within the Village are identified and advertised.
Action: The Clerk/The Event Manager
Councillor Roberts also informed the meeting that she had received a leaflet regarding a car washing service from 2 younger Rainford residents, who may have got the idea from the Rainford Youth Council car wash.
There was a short discussion. Councillor Reynolds will provide the contact from Cheshire East. He stated that Councillor Roberts work so far is really impressive, but he is not able to be overly involve in the process at the moment.
A solid foundation needs to be established first. Councillors Roberts and Stockton-Pugh will attend an on-line training course about Neighbourhood planning.
Action: The Clerk/Councillor Reynolds/Councillor Roberts/Councillor Stockton-Pugh
The Chairman gave a vote of thanks to the Event Co-ordinator as this would be her last full Council meeting in post. He thanked her for all that she had done for the Parish Council and stated that she would be missed. The Event Co-ordinator said that it had been a huge honour to work for the Parish Council for so long.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.08pm.
1. Minutes May 20.05.2024__________________________
Councillor Liz Dodson
Chairwoman, Rainford Parish Council
Appendix 1: Receipts and Payments for April 2024